I needed to take some food to a baby shower last week. We were doing it as a potluck style lunch. I did not have a lot of time to fix something last week, so I needed to pick something quick and easy.
These wraps worked great. We made wraps like this for my sister’s wedding reception in July. They are easy and look really nice served on a platter.
I took large wrap style tortillas, cream cheese, and lunch meat. I like to use different flavors of wraps, cream cheese, and meat. This time I chose spinach tortillas and garlic tortillas. I used plain whipped cream cheese and roast beef and turkey meat. You can get a really nice look by mixing them up.
I spread cream cheese on each tortilla and then place meat on top of it. Roll up and refrigerate for several hours. Slice, place on a platter, and serve.
This quick and easy recipe works for me.
Yum! They look great and I would like some now, please. 😉 You’ve made a pregnant girl hungry!
I’m going to a potluck tomorrow as a matter of fact – I may just do this! Sounds yummmy.
Have a fabulous day!
My WFMW this week is Pack & Shipu
Well, thank you very much! I’m going to make these on Sunday for my daughter’s snack for Youth Group!
Can’t wait.
Garlic tortillas! Yum! Where do you buy those?
I found the garlic tortilla wraps at Walmart in with the other tortillas. They also have a tomato one that is really good to use and it is redish in color so it adds more intrest to them. Thanks for asking.
I have made these before for a children’s event. The tomato tortillas are very good. We like to add different cheeses as well.
Ooohhh, I love these! Well, actually I love anything with cream cheese! But, I never thought of using spinach tortillas! Great idea!
Thank goodness the tortillas are at Wal-Mart! I was afraid you would answer my question with “Trader Joe’s” or some other store that isn’t in my area! 🙂 And not having a Trader Joe’s makes me sad!
This is one of my favorite lunches. Great idea for a potluck!
These look great! Thanks for coming by my blog.