I read a great post by money saving mom the other day on how she became discontent when shopping for new boots. This is an area I think we all struggle with, I know I do. It is something that I need to work on.
After reading this post, I decided to talk about an area I have been struggling with, discontentment after reading blogs. I have found myself really struggling with this. I have been reading blogs and thinking how much better I should be doing. I should be saving more money. I should be more organized. I should be cooking healthier. I found myself feeling overwhelmed with not doing and being more like what I was reading. I had to step back and remind myself that we only see a glimpse of each other in the blog world.
We all have different talents and areas we excel at. I may like to cook, but did you know that I do not like to iron or clean bathrooms? There are many chores that I put off because I would rather be cooking or baking. Just because a person can be frugal or organized does not mean they have the rest of their life all together.
I have found myself wishing that I could find deals shopping like so many blogs talk about. Well, I can’t. I can read about how cheap others peoples grocery budgets are, but it won’t work for me. Yes, I try to keep my budget down, and yes, I like to think frugally, but I can only do so much.
I live in the country. I don’t have a Walgreens or grocery store down the street. I only shop once a week, if that. I have four Walmart supercenters within 25 minutes of me, but I have few other grocery stores. I can’t find the deals that some of you can.
The other problem I have is, I like to cook. I enjoy it and can spend a little extra on my grocery budget, so I do. Also, my husband does not want to eat beans and rice three times a week. He likes meat every night for dinner. So, I almost always include meat in the meal. However, we rarely eat out, which saves us a lot of money.
There are advantages to living in the country. We don’t have a restaurant down the street to tempt us. I have found what works for us. I can still enjoy reading about frugal meals and shopping. I can still learn from other bloggers. I do like to use coupons, but I’m not going to be quite as good at it as some bloggers.
I have also read several blogs about being organized. I tend to be very organized with my time, but I need to work on organizing my stuff. I do need to work at it, but I probably will never have a perfectly organized house. I am learning that many people that have organized stuff do not organize their time well. We can all improve somewhere; again we are only getting a glimpse of things in each other’s lives.
What about homeschooling? It is so easy for me to read a blog about homeschooling and think I am failing at homeschooling. I am not doing unit studies on Ancient Egypt. In fact, I never have. I can read about all the neat things others do, but do you know what, it just won’t work for me at this time in my life.
I need structure. I need programs. I need lesson plans. We do what works for us. I need to realize that I am doing fine. Yes, my kids may not know the ins and outs of Ancient history, but they are learning. I have a husband who is great at science and math. He can explain and turn almost anything into a science or math lesson. We may not be doing what others are doing, but our children are getting a good education.
I like to occasionally post about real life, like I did here and here. When you read my blog you only see a small portion of my life. You see mainly my cooking and recipes, but you do not see the whole picture of this part of my life. I don’t post every meal or dish I prepare. You do not see the disasters I have in the kitchen, and yes, I do have some. You do not see when my day did not go as planned, and we have take and bake pizza or have breakfast for dinner. You do not see my pile of dishes that all too often is sitting in the kitchen sink.
You do not see how dirty my bathroom is or how dusty my house is. You can’t see how dirty my floors are, yes, I hate mopping the floor and do not do it often enough. You can’t see the days I am overwhelmed and do not know how I am going to make it through them. You can’t see all these things (and to be honest I am a little glad that you can’t).
We can’t see the full picture of each others lives. We tend to share the good parts of our lives, the best meals, the best projects, the best shopping trips, etc. We are humans with real human problems. I need to remember this when I read other blogs. I am going to work on enjoying reading blogs without becoming discontented. I want to learn and grow from what I read. I have learned so many tips and ideas from the blog world and I don’t want to give it up. I just need to step back and realize that I am only seeing a small picture of someone’s life.
Me, too!
If you could see thsi place right now! And I have a cleaning lady twice a month. And she was just here on Friday!
I am blessed right now to live in a bigger town with lots of stores, but my home is in a small town, rural area, with a Super Walmart and one other grocery store. We just got a new Walgreens a year or two ago. So I can relate!
You are right, blogs are a “slice of life” for most of us, but they aren’t the whole pie!
Very excellent post Lynn! And very true. I think I tend to feel the same way. Wishing I had more money so I can entertain like other people, or do other things. Same with Homeschooling. Gee, I should do lap books….they’re really cool.
So you are not in this boat alone. And it’s true, we are only seeing a portion of peoples lives, whatever portion they choose to let us see.
I thoroughly enjoy seeing what portion of your life you show. Actually you come accross very “real”. Sometimes I don’t share all things because, well, who knows who’ll happen upon that post and if I say something about a frustration with a family member I could be in hot water (C: Extended family that is.
But I hope to let people see that I’m real, my life isn’t perfect, and once I’m in my new house, it won’t be perfect either (I hate dusting and doing windows (C:)
Be blessed and be encouraged. You did an amazing job sharing your heart and I echo it!!
Thanks Charlene and Kirstin.
As you say we are all different and all have our things to share. I for one am not really good at decorating my home for each and every occasion with lovely things, but I still get great pleasure in viewing those that do. Since we are retired I realize we have so much more time than I did when I was busying working and raising 4 children. Yes, as the Bible says there is a season for all things and it is just important to enjoy the season we are currently in letting tomorrow take care of itself. Your blog has been a real blessing to me and I have used, and plan to use more, of your recipes. Keep up the good work!!!
Thanks for sharing this, Lynn. I enjoyed it and relate to it.
When I read some blogs I feel the same too, just inferior and frustrated. Particularly at this time when my first baby should be born any day I think “I can’t do this, it’s too much.” when I read about tight household schedules and $40 weekly grocery budgets with a tiny baby etc.
The list goes on and on in pretty much every area of my life. But thanks for letting us see that you struggle too.
I have been (for the first time) putting bible verses up around my home to serve as reminders of the things I need to remember the most. I really think it helps.
A friend of mine told me long ago “Don’t judge your insides by someone else’s outsides.” I think that is important. We only see a small picture of the lives others lead. I am far from perfect or put together, but we each have to strive to be our best, not someone else’s best.
Thank you for sharing this post.
I can so relate to this post!! I find myself becoming discouraged when I read other blogs as well, when really I should be encouraged. I am a TERRIBLE housekeeper, so when I read about how a mom of six has a completely organized house, and this mom of one can’t keep the laundry under control, I tend to become overwhelmed!! And I also agree that blogs are just a small portion.
I agree with this post! I often compare my blog to others. I’m always whining, Why don’t I get as many comments as others do?!!!… It really doesn’t matter, we just need to be ourselves on the blog just like in real life. If someone likes us, good, if not, so be it!
That is a beautiful picture you have in your profile!
Hi. I just came across your blog today and I had to comment on this post. I loved it. So very true. I was just thinking (and blog surfing too) about how I should save more at the grocery store and plan better meals and I should really add some different units to my 5 year olds studies. Other people seem to have it so together, but thats just what people post. Thank you for that refreshing reminder.
I need to be content doing my best running my house.
Great post. 🙂
Thanks foxy 5. I am glad you found my blog. I hope you enjoy.
A-to-the-MEN! I’ve had people say that they think I’m a good mom solely on the recipes I post on my blog or the cute stories I tell on Facebook. It’s just a moment in time of a very long day! Would we really read blogs of people that only posted all of their mess ups! I too, hate cleaning. In fact, I came home last night and the floor gnome was mopping my WAY dirty floor. 🙂
good reminder, good words!
Thanks! 🙂
I love love love your blog!! Your kitchen isn’t even nearly bad. You should see mine! I only have one baby and a fiance and my kitchen is a fiasco! I do the exact same thing, I always think I should be cooking healthier, have a spotless home, all the same things your thinking. But I think your amazing! Please don’t compare yourself, we all have our own faults and strengths. We just have to all do the best that we can. 🙂
Thanks! I appreciate your kind thoughts. 🙂
Thank you!! I am not a blogger, but I felt the same way…
Sometimes I turn to the blogs after having a rough day, looking for encouragement and inspiration… some days I find it, but others, well… I walk away discouraged, feeling as if I don’t measure up, I’m doing a bad job as wife, mother, friend…
And sometimes I am complimented on how I ALWAYS have it together & am SOOOO organized… and I think… WHO ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!? Certainly not me! Have you seen my house? My van? My HS lesson plans? Oh wait, that’s right, I don’t have lesson plans made up!
So I salute you! hank you for helping us all remember to keep it real… Unless we are part of the family, we never know what its really like for someone else!
I loved this post with all my heart. What a way to put it! It has certainly lifted some pressure off me. We do live in a world where we are facing many demands to be perfect in everything we do. The only insurance we have against going barmy with this perfectionist world is the reflective thoughts like this post. We can neither be perfect in everything we do nor can we ever have all the perfect things but then again, just having all the things we already have in our lives is the perfection, and the realisation of that is what is going to make us happy with ourselves and our lives in the first place. Thank you for such a nice post! Loved it and already applying it to the whole way of evaluating my life! It is already making me feel happier !
Thank you! I wrote this post 3 years ago, but it is still so true. None of us are perfect and we often only see one side of someones life, the side they want us to see. I am glad you enjoyed the post. Thank you for your kind words. 🙂
You know Lynn, you sound just like me! l, too hate, but do, clean my bathroom, that has to be the worst room in the house! After, cooking and baking, really who has the strengh to do any housework, l too, rather cook and bake and enjoy experimenting with different receipes! Yes, money, don’t we all wish we had more spending money! l also cook most of all of our meals, no extra money to eat out, gone are the days, but you know, Lynn, cooking and baking at home, is so much heathier for us, more natural, food tastes so much better without all of those so many strange and different perservatives in our bodies. Love your kitchen, mine is smaller, l wish that l could have more counter and cupboard, shelf space. We all have to do, what we can, individally, to survive, in this world, lifetime. l too, try to spend my money wisely, goes like water in the store, l use coupons from time to time, saving abit here and there if l can. Lynn, l do believe we are mostly in the same boat, we all just have to always keep an open mind, l never want to stop learning either, thanks to you, Lynn,and with all of your great receipes. l too, now l’m not scared to experiment with different foods. Loved reading your blog, here! You sound like such a great person with such a big down to earth heart. Keep up the great work, Lynne! Just remember, all of us woman have to stick together and your not alone!
Have a great day~ Lou (:
Thank you for your kinds words. I really appreciate it! Thank you so much reading.
Thanks for this post; it was very uplifting. You are so cute! Thank you.