There is a holiday for just about every food you can think of.
I usually ignore these days because I can’t keep up with them.
Well, I did post about international bacon day last month, but who could ignore bacon day? I mean bacon should have a day shouldn’t it.
And that was exactly my thought when I read on Paula Deens Facebook page this morning that it was National Chocolate Day.
How could I ignore National Chocolate Day? Chocolate is my favorite food after all.
I did some research online and sure enough there is a National Chocolate Day.
So in honor of National Chocolate Day here are a few of my favorite chocolate recipes.
Peanut Butter Chocolate Pudding
My Favorite Chocolate Frosting
Now doesn’t your family deserve a chocolate dessert in honor of National chocolate day? I mean who can resist an excuse to eat chocolate.
This post linked to Tasty Tuesday.
OH MY GOODNESS! This is one your most delicious posts yet!!
I’m so glad you are celebrating!! 🙂
I am adding that Peanut Butter Chocolate Pudding to my menu plan!