One of my goals for this year it to introduce my family to some new, and sometimes unusual, foods. I thought it would be fun to take you along on the adventure and share with you the new foods we are trying.
I plan to post what they are, how we ate them, and if we liked them or not. Some weeks I might simple ask you if you know what an item is and then follow it up the next week with the correct answer, some information about it, and how we liked it.
I am going to start things off this week with just a picture and a simple question.
I recently found these at Whole Foods.
Does anyone know what these are?
And is a bit hard to tell the exact color in the picture, they were light in color, almost white.
I just made something with those for the first time last week. 🙂
They look like Snow White Carrots.
Looks like parsley root to me, because of the greens. But I guess it could also be really clean parsnips.
Aren’t they white radishes? I saw them used on the Iron chef America last week. They look very interesting…Not sure about the taste though…
I agree with Jaidi, I think they are white radishes.
My guess is white radish. I have never tried them though.
Those are Daikon Rashishes, I believe.
They look like horseradishes – my daddy used to grow them when I was little.
At first I thought they might be parsnips, but they look too pale and thin for parsnips. Maybe Daikon radishes?
I thought parsnips at first, but the shape of the root and the leaves don’t look quite right. I think they icicle radishes.
parsnip …
I was thinking daikon or white carrots but if they are radishes (as someone else guessed) then they are delish roasted!
I wasn’t sure… I must admit I look through what the others said. heehee… I love trying new things! What are you going to do with them?
My guess was also white carrots. Interested to see what they are 🙂
those look like radishes……Daikon I think it’s spelled?
Looks like an icicle radish. My grandparents grow them and sell them at the market. They are really good and less “spicy” than regular radishes.
White carrots?
I think we need to be introduced to new foods, too…
I guess, white carrots?
White Icycle Radishes
Looks like Daikon radishes. Do you have a recipe for them??
They are Parsnips.
We cook them with potatoes until tender and make mashed potatoes & parsnips with butter and parmesan cheese. A different twist on basic mashed potatoes. Super yummy, a must try!
We do this too. Only in our recipe we also chop up a rutabaga, a turnip and garlic to throw in. Delicious.
My guess is white carrots. I actually had some in a frozen vegetable mix the other week.
Ah, they look like Daikon radishes to me…
They look like Daikon radishes to me, although they’re a bit small.
They look like parsnips to me. But I have never seen any of the other veggies people suggested. I roasted parsnips last night (with acorn squash and brussel sprouts) and they were delicious! First time I have ever tried them. My girls (2 and 5) gobbled them up! Can’t wait to see what you do with them!
That sounds great! Care to share a basic recipe?
@RG, I used a recipe from Simply Sugar & Gluten Free. Here is the link:
Are they turnips?
Looks like parsnips, too thin to be daikon radishes. The greens look tasty!
I wonder if you’d follow up on Friday instead? Waiting until the followin week is frustrating.
@AllieZirkle, I am still figuring out how this new series will work. I will take that into consideration. Thanks!
Parsnips? Before this Christmas, I would have thought only parsnips, but I get organic produce delivered to my house every other week and my Christmas week delivery yielded three different types of carrots. A whiter carrot that looks like your picture, a purple carrot (purple on the outside and white on the inside) and the conventional orange carrot. The greens of all three carrots looked the same, so do the tops of this vegetable match carrots? Otherwise, before preparing, I would do a mini taste test to see if it tastes like a radish or if it is sweeter, but different…parsnip.
Parsnips! I make a wonderful whipped parsnip instead of mashed potatoes that is MUCH healthier for you and tastes just as good if not better! My boyfriend who is such a meat and potato guy absolutely LOVES them!
What a fun series! My guess would be Daikon Radishes. I first thought a white variety of carrots, but the tops don’t look right.
They are a species of Daikon radish. I use them a lot. They taste best when simmered for hours with your beef stew, but make sure you make them while they are fresh. Otherwise, they taste bitter instead of sweet or neutral.
The particular species shown in the photo above doesn’t taste sweet. I use another species that is a much wider root (about 4 inches wide).
They are white icicle radishes! Yum!
those are either diakon or parsnips. never tried diakon, but we LOVE parsnips. especially me in soups or stews….<3
these are white radish..
We love them roasted and in soups.
Those are Daikon Rashishes…I think.
Fennel is great roasted in the oven or in a soup.