Last week my family and I went to several Asian markets to stock up on some of the harder to find varieties of rice that we like.
We like to shop at the Asian markets a few times a year because we can find rice and other items for a good price. We also often find things that we can not find anywhere else.
I knew the Asian market would be a good place to find new foods to try and also to use for my What Is It Wednesday posts, so I told my family to let me know if they found anything they wanted to try.
Well, this might have been the wrong thing to say to my husband. He is much more adventurous than I am when it comes to food. He found lots of things, but let’s just say I think some things are better left for others to try.
He did however find a few things that I was willing to buy.
One of the things he found was this.
Do you know what it is?
Is it sugar cane?
I think you got it in one
bamboo hearts?
@Dawn Kemmerlin, That’s what I thought, Dawn!
Is it mochi?
No idea lol
Wow…looks interesting. Sort of resembles artichoke hearts so maybe something along those lines? No clue really…lol.
It sort of looks like sugar cane, but with it on the plate I think they might be too small for sugar cane.
Hearts of Palm?
It looks like bamboo to me!
I believe that is sugar cane.
Hearts of Palm
I know a few things it’s not, but no idea what it is!
Sugarcane! I used to eat it all the time as a kid. Chop it into smaller pieces, and stick it in the refrigerator. Chew, chew, chew until all the juice/sweetness is gone then dispose of what you actually chewed.
It looks like Heart of Palm to me.
It looks like bamboo to me.
Looks like Palm Hearts to me.
Hearts of palm. . . I’ve never tried it though.
Looks like sugar cane to me!
I have to say bamboo 🙂
It looks fibrous, so I’ll say sugar cane.
i think it is hearts of palm, too.
Lemongrass? I’ve only seen it dried, and the diameter is much smaller.
It looks like bamboo to me
Pickled ginger?
looks like sugar cane to me!
Hearts of palm
Hearts of Palm!
Sugarcane! One of my favourites!
Heart of Palm
It does look a bit like sugar cane but it is way too small and I don’t think even mechanically it could be so neatly cut to that size. With that said, I think it has to be bamboo shoots.
My guess was going to be bamboo from when I looked at the picture. I see some others guess that as well.
My vote is bamboo shoots.
Pickled Hearts of Palm
Looks like sugar cane to me
Canned sugar cane
Sugar Cane?
Im thinking bamboo shoots.
Sugar cane
Sugar cane.
It is raw sugar cane cut into pieces 🙂
My guess is bamboo to me!
I’m going with bamboo.
Sugar cane, chopped and peeled. My parents used to get this for us from the asian markets (we’re cambodian) for a nice sweet and juicy treat. I would chew, chew and chew! Love them! I want some right now!