Did you know that 2013 is the year of the gluten free cookie? Okay, so maybe I made that up. There is no such thing as the year of the gluten free cookie. However, on this site, 2013 will be the year of the gluten free cookie. And I am so excited about it.
On my main site I have decided to share at least 50 crock pot recipes in 2013 and to also focus on homemade version of our favorite foods. For my allergy section though I am choosing a little different challenge for 2013.
I love to bake cookies. If I have a choice of what kind of dessert to make it is almost always cookies. They were one of the first things I learned to make when I was a kid and I have loved making them ever since.
Since going gluten free though, cookie making has become more challenging and I find that I make them less and less. This year however I am going to change that.
My goal for 2013 is to share twenty five gluten free cookies with you. Yes, twenty five.
I thought about making it fifty, but I decided I needed to be realistic. Gluten free baking often involves disasters, so not every recipe I make will be worth sharing. Although I may share at least a few pictures of the disasters, they don’t really count for sharing a recipe.
I also know that my family needs to eat other things, like breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And they probably would enjoy a few other desserts besides cookies as well. So, I am keeping my goal at twenty five.
What do you think? Do you like the idea of more gluten free cookie recipes in 2013?
And don’t worry I plan to keep sharing my gluten free menu plans, some fun homemade gluten free versions of our favorite foods, and much more.
Can’t wait! YUM!
I think this is a great idea! Currently my son is not eating gluten or dairy in order to restore his immune system and better his eczema…. with a few replacements many of your recipes have worked well for our family.