I spent this last week in Oregon visiting family. It is the first time I have gone all by myself in 20 years. I have always gone with my husband or at least one of my kids. Going all by myself was a bit different, but I had a good time and was glad I got to go.
The weather was amazing. Or at least amazing for Oregon in the spring. Spring in Oregon usually means rain and more rain. The first couple of days it was sunny and warm. Just about perfect weather.
I shared this on Instagram one day.
My afternoon run today. Green grass, water, tall trees with lots of moss, and a record time for 2.5 miles.
And this was my view flying in on the plane.
It has been a long time since I flew into Oregon on a clear day. Seeing the mountains from the air is pretty amazing.
I think it was one of the best views I have had flying into Portland. I hate flying. Like really hate it, but the views flying into Portland made it worth it.
And this was the view after my sister picked me up from the airport. When I lived in Oregon I totally took for granted what an amazing view Mt. Hood is to see as you drive around. I love seeing it again when I visit.
I had some of my favorite foods while I was in Oregon. Tillamook Ice Cream, Tillamook Cheese, and salmon are all a must eat for my when I visit my family.
Visiting my parents in the spring means rhubarb season and that means that I did some baking with rhubarb. I will have a recipe or two of my mom’s to share soon.
I am headed back home today and can’t wait to see my family. I always love visiting Oregon, but home is always best.
I hope you all had a great week!
What beautiful views! I agree, going”home” to visit is nice but going HOME is very nice! I always miss my family and enjoy seeing them yet I miss my own home when I am away. FLYING is not on my list of likes or things I enjoy! But the view you had was awesome. Glad you had a good visit and got some family recipes to share as well.
Thanks for sharing your pictures. I live just outside of Gresham. I didn’t know you had lived in Oregon. So, it was a fun surprise to see your Oregon pictures.
Yes, all my family still lives in the Portland area. I grew up in a small town about 1 hour west of Portland. I love Oregon!