I have been a little quieter than normal online lately. A few less posts and a lot less on social media. Life has been busy.
Two weeks ago I was rear ended by a semi truck. I am fine. My son who was with me is fine.
The short version of the story is that I came to a full and complete stop at a stoplight in the small town we live in. The semi truck behind me was following too close, or simply not paying attention, and didn’t stop in time.
And although I was stiff and sore for awhile, and have made quite a few trips to the chiropractor, I am fine. My son and I walked away from being hit by a semi-truck. Many people can’t say that. We have a lot to be thankful for.
I will say though that I have been using this a lot lately.
I loved this product before I was hit by a semi-truck, but now I love it even more. My family goes through about one of these a month. I think I used almost a full one in the last two weeks. I never knew a car accident could make you so stiff and sore. Like full body stiff and sore.
I pretty much covered my back, neck, and shoulders with this. Love this stuff! I am so glad I had extra on hand to use. If you have never tried it you should. Let me know if you are interested.
Last Saturday we went to the farmer’s market for the first time this year. I can’t believe it took us so long to go this year. I love the farmer’s market. It is a great way to support local farmers and find some great produce. We got some local honey, fresh okra, and a few other things. My favorite find though might have been the locally grown watermelons. They were so good!
If you have a farmer’s market near you be sure to visit it!
We also made a trip to the chocolate shop!! Two of my kids spent some time in Oregon visiting my parents. Since my nut allergy daughter was one of them, we have been going a little nut and peanut crazy. We decided a trip to a chocolate shop was in order. The peanut butter chocolates were so good!! Actually everything we tried was delicious!
It is no secret that we love books. We have a book website after all. And this is what happens when book lovers find a bookstore going out of business.
The entire store of used books were one dollar each. One dollar. It didn’t matter what type of book it was. They were all a dollar. At first we tried to control ourselves, but then we kept finding stuff. 50 books later we left the store….
The best find though were two civil war sets that my history loving daughter found. They were not complete sets, but they had quite a few books in each set. I have never seen books like these two sets before. One is full of copies of articles and memoirs from the civil war. The other is full of copies of military corespondents of both the North and the South. They were a rare find and well worth getting, especially for one dollar per book. And now I think I will have to avoid all bookstores for awhile…
The last few months, really the last few years, have included quite a few doctor’s appointments for us. Odd, hard to figure out, medical conditions are not easy. I might share more on that at some point, but for now, let’s just say if you need a medical specialist in NE Oklahoma my family can probably share a few recommendations. Not really something you want to be able to do….
However, I have found a new favorite treat/lunch when we need a quick breakfast or lunch between appointments. Smoothies!
I know there are some pretty unhealthy ones out there and not all of them are allergy friendly, but they are so much better than fast food. A large protein filled smoothie fills me up, is somewhat healthy, and costs less then most fast food places. Plus they taste great!
I hope to get some new recipes up next week. My Gluten Free Baking Mix ebook is still on sale. If you haven’t gotten a copy of it, get it while you can. The sale was supposed to end last week, but life got crazy and I forgot to go in and change the price back. Which is great for those of you that have been wanting it. It will be back to full price next week.
I hope you have a great weekend!!
I’m so sad and sorry to hear about what you have been going through lately. I pray that healing comes quickly and fully for all of you.
Also, the book store books….awesome!!!!!
Thank you!!
Oh goodness. So glad you and your son are okay. Yes, that could’ve been a way worse outcome.
Thanks! And I hope you are surviving the heatwave in the Pacific NW. 🙂
oh and I didn’t know you had a book website. I’m checking it out now! I LOVE to read.
The book site is a fun project my history and book loving daughter and I started about a year ago. It is fun to share books we are reading!