Yes, you read that title right. I am admitting that it has been two months since I cleaned my shower. If it wasn’t twenty-one words long, the full title actually should have been, The Time I Didn’t Clean My Shower For Two Months and It Ended Up Cleaner Than Last Time I Cleaned It. But that title was way too long and a bit of a mouthful.
Life has been crazy. I could go on and on about the details, but let’s just say life with kids, especially teens is busy. Add in a kid with health problems, owning three businesses, homeschooling, recovering from a car accident, and a son that broke his foot last week, and you have a small window into my life right now.
I know that is the reality for many people though. I am not alone. Life is just busy and crazy sometimes. Often more crazy then we like it to be.
When life is busy, some things have to be set aside. They just don’t get done. Or, they don’t get done as often as they should. For me over the last few months several things have been set aside, one of which has been cleaning my shower.
I have cleaned the rest of the bathroom. Really I have, but I keep putting the shower off. And off. And off.
But the other day I realized that my shower is actually cleaner than it was two months ago when I cleaned it last. My husband agrees. He couldn’t believe it had actually been two months.
And yes, I know that this has nothing to do with food, but I was so excited I had to share it. I am pretty sure all my readers have a bathroom they have to clean. I am also pretty sure that I am not the only one to struggle keeping the bathroom clean. It is a common everyday struggle. Seriously it is. I am not alone in that struggle am I?!
So now you might be wondering how my shower could be cleaner after not cleaning it. How could that happen? How could a shower be cleaner without cleaning it?
Here is how.
This little bottle of cleaner.
But wait, I said I didn’t clean my shower and yet I am showing you a bottle of cleaner. Are you confused? Let me explain.
Our house was built in 1998. So it is almost 20 years old. It was about six years old when we moved into it. So it was fairly new, but not brand new. A house that is almost 20 years old means that the bathrooms are almost 20 years old. We haven’t done a thing to them besides paint. They are starting to look their age. Including the shower and the tile.
No matter what you do a shower that is almost 20 years old is not going to be clean and sparkly. It will be showing it’s age. With stains and dingy grout and possibly some things growing that we would rather not be there. No matter how hard you scrub and clean it doesn’t always look nice and clean. It is just part of owning a home that is not brand new.
I have tried many things to clean it. Some worked, but not for long. It would always go back to that old shower look.
A few months ago I started keeping a bottle of Thieves cleaner in my shower. I put a couple of capfuls of the concentrate into a spray bottle and filled it the rest of the way with water. Everyday I would just quickly spray it down. I didn’t rinse it or scrub it or anything. Just quickly sprayed it all over and left. That is all I did.
Two months of crazy, I don’t have time to clean my shower later, without any scrubbing or cleaning, my shower is now cleaner than it was last time I actually cleaned it. Seriously I can’t believe it. It had actually been so long since I had scrubbed it that I had to really think about how long it had been. And yet it is cleaner.
I bought my first bottle of Thieves cleaner several years ago. I use it for my kitchen, my mirrors, and my bathroom, but I never thought I could go months without cleaning my shower simply by a quick shower spray down everyday. But I did. Not only did I not clean it, it is now cleaner than it was when I scrubbed it last. I am now even more impressed with Thieves cleaner than I was before.
Now if only I could figure out a way to clean the rest of my house this easily. 🙂
This is not a sponsored post, but I am a distributor for Young Living. I want to make that clear. I make a commission when you make a purchase. But these are products I have been using for years. Since 2013 actually and I love them, or I wouldn’t share them. I appreciate your support of this site and what I do.
Want to get your own bottle of Thieves cleaner? Here is how? There are two ways to order it. Retail and Wholesale. I highly recommend Wholesale because it is cheaper, and I think you will love the products so much you will want more. You can get all the details here. I also shared more reasons I love it here.
If you have used and loved Thieves I would love to hear all about it. Leave me a comment letting me know how you use it and why you love it.
Want a sample of Thieves Cleaner? I will send the first 5 people that email me a small sample bottle to try. Just email me and I will get it in the mail to you! lynnskitchenadventures @
Note: This is not a sponsored post, but I am a distributor for Young Living. I make a commission if you sign up or buy something. But I wouldn’t share about the Thieves cleaner unless I truly loved it. I have been using these products for over 4 years, and the longer I use them the more I love them. Also please know that results may vary. Your shower may be different than mine. I am just sharing my results.
I need to try that shower hack, because I *NEVER* clean my shower as often as I should!!!!!
I use the Magic shower cleaner recipe: Dawn plus white vinegar. I trialed using my dishsoap (I don’t like Dawn or it’s price) and it worked just as well. I trialed not heating up the vinegar first-once again, works just as well. Less is more with me, I like being able to mix up my own cleaners and use items already on hand.
I had some of this cleaner on hand so I mixed up a bottle and just now sprayed down my shower while it was still damp. This is one of the hardest chores for me to do. What I usually have to do is get IN the shower, spray it down with cleaner and use a telescoping handled tub/shower scrubber, using the removable shower head to rinse. It’s still difficult to scrub the rounded corners of the tub this way, and probably not the safest way to do it, but one has to do whatever works, right? Hope this works as well as you say – it’ll be a time saver (and possibly preventing a slippery fall) for sure!
I am so glad that you are giving it a try! I hope it helps. It took my awhile to notice a difference, it wasn’t overnight, but I could definitely tell within a few weeks that it was working. I love how easy it has made cleaning the bathroom.