I love books. I don’t collect trinkets and knickknacks. I don’t collect pottery, dolls, or antique dishes. But I am realizing that I definitely collect books.
Why do I love books so much? I love to read and I want my children to love to read. I think a love for reading is one of the most important things I can give my children. If they have a love and desire to read they will never lack knowledge.
This is why I do everything I can to make reading enjoyable to them. I was recently listening to a CD on homeschooling and heard this quote, “Everyone wonders why, but very few people care enough to find out.” I thought this was really good. I want to encourage my children to ask why and to have the desire to find out. A love of reading will always help them find out the answers to the why’s.
Because of this we have a lot of books. We really do. I know this, but this is important to me and my family. One of my favorite ways to find books is used book sales. I have posted about going to them before. Last week I went to another one. And I am so glad I did. I found a bunch of books, some for me and some for my kids. I was happy and so were my kids.
My favorite find was a bunch of cookbooks. I found fourteen cookbooks priced at $1 each. I know fourteen, but they were only $1. I got fourteen for less then one would cost new. And I use my cookbooks. I read my cookbooks. If you know me and have seen my cookbook collection you know I have lot of cookbooks. But I really do use them.
I love reading about the science behind cooking. I love to compare recipes and find out how to get different results. And yes I do use the internet for recipes, but there is nothing like looking at cookbooks. I would rather search through my books then the internet any time.
So what did I find?
Several cookbooks by Taste of Home- I love TOH cookbooks and over time have picked up most of the annual books used
The Joy Of Cooking- a cookbook classic that I have never owned so I am glad to have this one
A cookbook by Cook’s Illustrated
Several Pillsbury Cookbooks
Rachael Ray
The Frugal Gourmet
And others
See why I could not pass them up for $1 each. They were really good ones. Hopefully I will find lots of new recipes to post about. I guess I could just call them all research books. 🙂
Used books definitely work for me.
I rarely meet a cookbook I can pass up. $1 each is a dream come true. LOL.
I also love used books. My hubby and I go to almost every used book sale events by local libraries.
For some reasons, I can never find good cookbooks at these events (I would so want Rachael Ray’s book for $1!!).
The joy of cooking is well worth the price of all of the books put together! I love that book – it is a staple at my house. I love to collect old farm cookbooks and church cookbooks put together by church members. I have found great regional old-fashioned recipes that way – I, too, am a cookbook addict!!!
Oh, yeah! Love cookbooks!! LOL! 😀 I don’t have Joy of Cooking though. TOH and Southern Living are some of my favorite cookbooks. 😀