Today SnoWhite and I are continuing our series on dealing with Nut Allergies. I am really enjoying doing this series and I hope you are too. Make sure to stop by Finding Joy In My Kitchen to read SnoWhite’s thoughts.
Adjusting to life with nut allergies is something my family is still dealing with and learning about. We are still in the process of figuring out what the new normal is in regards to our kitchen and eating.
We are now on guard and leery of everything my daughter eats. It is no longer simply just putting food into her mouth. When food has the potential of killing you, eating takes a lot more thought.
Here are a few things that I have learned:
- Life with nut allergies is a continual learning process. Things are continually changing. I can never be sure what is safe to eat.
- I must never let my guard down about reading labels. Reading labels now has to be part of my daughter’s and my everyday life.
- Because I have to read labels, and spend so much time reading labels, grocery shopping takes at least twice as long. I am learning that making a quick stop at a store is difficult. I now allow a lot more time to grocery shop.
- I spend more time in the kitchen. I love to cook, but I am now cooking far more food at home. Almost everything we eat is food I make. From breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, I now make it all.
- Eating out is very difficult. Cross contamination is such a high risk, one that is rarely worth it.
- You can’t just pack up the car and head out on vacation or a day trip. You have to plan. You have to be sure there are restaurants that you are comfortable eating at. If there are none, you have to be sure there are grocery stores that you can buy food at. If neither of those are an option, you have to figure out what food you can and should take on your trip.
- I can’t just send my daughter to a friend or relatives house for a day or two. I have to plan and be sure they will have food that is safe to eat.
- I have to help train my daughter how to read labels and how to make decisions on what food is safe and what is not.
Those are just a few things that I have learned so far. What advice do you have? What was the hardest thing for you about adjusting to a food allergy?
Disclaimer: I am not a Doctor. The information in this series is simply my experience in dealing with, and learning to deal with, a nut and peanut allergy. My desire is not to give you medical advice, but to share our journey with you.
oh, Lynn — your list is exactly what I would have put on mine!! Not that I’m excited you guys are facing this, but, it’s nice to know that other people are facing new normal.
When you wrote — “You can’t just pack up the car and head out on vacation or a day trip. You have to plan….” I groaned. This is my least favorite part of having a food allergy, it makes travel something I want to avoid. But, it is getting better, and since we travel frequently to the same destinations (to visit family and friends) we’re learning where all the places are that I need to enjoy the vacation! This too will get easier.
.-= SnoWhite´s last blog ..Menu Plan – June 6 =-.
I am really enjoying this series!! My son is three years old and we have known about his allergy to peanuts for two years. Because he was so young I found that not only did I need to be aware of what he ate, but also just what was in the room, babies tend to put random things in their mouths or lick their hands. I think the hardest adjustment for me is having to explain nut allergies and epi-pen 101 to everybody who spends time with my son.