You all seemed to love my post a few weeks ago called Everyday Adventures, so today I have another one for you. I am enjoying these posts because they are a fun way to show a little bit of my life outside the kitchen.
I spent last weekend in Oklahoma City. My husband had a meeting and my oldest daughter and I decided to go with him. It was a quick trip, but we had a great time. I took this picture from our hotel room which was across the street from the convention center.
My daughter and I spent one day shopping at the outlet malls. We had a great time shopping together and found some great deals. We also enjoyed an afternoon treat at Orange Leaf.
I recently discovered the non coffee menu at Starbucks. How did it take me so long to discover the vanilla bean frappuccino?! Coffee lovers probably think people like me are a bit crazy for ordering a drink that is basically milk, ice, and vanilla, but the vanilla bean frappuccino is so good. Now coffee lovers you should probably stick to your favorite coffee at Starbucks, but if you are like me and don’t enjoy coffee, you need to give this a try.
Our garden this year has been slow going. The weather here in Oklahoma has been cooler and drier than normal. We have had some rain, but not nearly enough. I am hoping this doesn’t mean we are in for another really dry summer. I bought a bunch of plants the other day and hope to get them planted this weekend.
I did manage to get my herbs planted. I usually plant my herbs in our garden, but the garden is not very close to the house. And the herbs often get neglected and overgrown by mid summer. This year I decided to plant them in pots on the back deck. I hope they will be easier to keep up with and that I will use them more often since they will be right out my back door.
I hope to start taking more random pictures of meals at our house. This was dinner one day this week. As you can see not every meal is picture perfect at our house. The meal in that picture is so not Pinterest or magazine perfect, but it was delicious. And the reality is that most of your meals probably look pretty close to that too. Not picture perfect, but delicious.
That picture of my plate also clearly tells two things about me. First of all I am not a huge meat eater. Yes, I eat meat, but my plate is often high on carbs low on protein. I have never been a huge meat eater and I probably never will be. The other thing you might notice about my plate is that I love salad dressing. And that right there is one of my favorites, which is bottled ranch. Yes, I love to make my own dressings, but sometimes you just need that bottle of ranch dressing on your salad.
And this one is one I am really excited about. Costco is coming to Oklahoma! I was so happy when I saw this in the paper this week. I was raised in Oregon and we loved Costco. In Oklahoma we only have Sam’s Club. I like Sam’s Club and am thankful we have them, but they are not Costco. And I can’t wait to start shopping at Costco again. It won’t be super close to me, but it is in an area I go to for doctor’s appointments etc., so I am sure I will shopping there at least some. For those of you that have Costco I am sure you know why I am excited.
I hope you all have a great weekend. I will be working in the garden, cleaning house, and catching up on things after a busy couple of weeks.
I love Orange Leaf! We only get it though when we visit family in Ohio. And I’m jealous you are getting a Costco! We had them in Ohio and loved them! Now we just have Sam’s Club, too. Good luck on your garden!
I am so excited about Costco. I can’t wait. And thanks on the garden, I am hoping to get it all planted this weekend.