It has been a few weeks since I shared an Everyday Adventures post, so this week I am catching up by sharing quite a few pictures from the last few weeks.
And if you want to see a totally non food, keeping it real, this is what life in the country in Oklahoma is like, be sure to read all the way to the bottom couple of pictures. Life in the country is never boring!
We spent a few days in Oklahoma City for my daughter to take a course at OU. I can’t believe my daughter is old enough to be taking a course on a college campus….but that is for a whole different post.
While my daughter was at her course the rest of us went to the Oklahoma History Center. The history center was really well done and we enjoyed it. When we came to these pink appliances I had to take a picture.
Do you think pink appliances will come back anytime soon?
I might not like pink appliances, but I should would like stand mixers to be priced at $11.88! And really those appliances may have been pink, but I bet they lasted longer than any appliances we have today. Oh for appliances to last 30 years like they used to…….
We have been doing lots of gluten free baking. I have two fun series coming up for the holidays so stay tuned for those!
My daughter and I made these a couple of weeks ago and they were so good! I will be sharing the recipe soon.
I am still loving my casserole crock pot. I cooked my beef and beans casserole in it recently on low for 3 hours and it worked great.
I was doing so well on my recent shopping trip to Sam’s Club until I saw the Black and White Popcorn. I bought some of this last year around the holidays and it was so good. I have not seen it since then, so two bags ended up in my cart. Yes they did. And I will totally admit that I opened the bag in the car and ate some on the way home. So much for my healthy shopping trip.
And now I have the keeping it real, life in the country, picture for you. Warning this one has nothing to do with food.
This is a purple martin bird house in our backyard. It has been there for about 7 years and rarely has any birds in it. Between the high winds making it bend and sway, our dogs, and all kinds of wild animals, the bird house does not get used like we hoped it would. We actually have a lot of purple martins, they just don’t use the house.
However, look closely at the pole of the birdhouse. Do you see something on it?
Let’s look closer?
Yes this is what we saw when we looked out our window last week.
And here is an even closer look for those interested.
That my friends is a 6+ foot long snake in my back yard!!!!
I kept telling my husband to deal with it and he kept telling me, but it is a good snake. To which I said no snake over 6 feet long is a good snake. Can you believe he left that snake in our yard. I am so hoping that it slithered away into the woods and not any closer to our house.
And for those wondering no I did not take those pictures. My husband did. I don’t get any closer to snakes than I have to. You would think after twenty years of living in Oklahoma I would be used to snakes, but does anyone ever really get used to 6 foot long snakes?!
Now I will admit in the bigger picture of things, we have seen copper heads, rattle snakes, and water moccasins on our property. Thankfully this one was not any of those, but I am not sure I can agree that it was a good snake. 🙂
I can handle most things about country life, but snakes I can do without!
I hope you all have a great weekend!
Lynne, that popcorn you were raving about also comes to aldi around this time of the year. At least it has in the past. Dont feel bad i buy at least 10 bags. My grandkids love it. Nice to know sams carries it just in case. Thanks.
Thanks! I will have to watch for it at Aldi. I love it!
The only “good” snake is a dead one!
When I was growing up, we had a pink telephone, attached to the wall with an actual cord attached to the receiver. Couldn’t really walk around the house with that. Then again, you didn’t misplace it .
Looking forward to the doughnut recipe too.
Three cheers for everyday adventures. 🙂 That is ONE BIG SNAKE!!
My very first house in Tulsa had one bathroom with a pink sink, pink toilet, pink tub, and aqua tile on the shower walls and the backsplash. At the time (late 80s) I hated it, but I look back now and think that might have been interesting to do something unusual with instead of white everything like it is now in my circa mid 90s house!
My husband says, “That explains why there aren’t purple martins.” My family keeps trying to convince me that there are good snakes, too.
Im shuddering at the snake! Our cats ( and the neighbours cat) have been chasing a brown snake around here, in and out of yards, so not impressed!
what kind of snake is that????
It was a bull snake which are actually pretty common in Oklahoma.