Once again I have a little bit of everything for you for this week’s Everyday Adventures.
My family thinks I am a little crazy but some of my favorite runs are on rainy cool fall days like we had this week. I think this means part of me will always love and miss Oregon. And I think you might have to be born and raised in Oregon to truly love and miss the cool rainy days.
I enjoyed this Cooking Light magazine for some fun reading one evening this week.
I am working on updating my about me page. I have not updated it in several years and it is long past time to update it. I have started on it, but need to do some more work.
The picture of me on that page was when I had a little shorter hair and it was curly. Well, my hair is still very wavy/curly, I just don’t wear it that way very often. For those that have not read my post on it, my hair totally changed after I went gluten free. You can read about it here.
After spending most of my life with pretty straight hair, except the really bad perm I had in 8th grade, I like my hair better straight and wear it that way the majority of the time. It was long past time for a new picture for my blog and social media.
I had my daughter take a few pictures of me on in our backyard.
I told my husband and daughter that I was not sure it was going to work for what I wanted and that we needed to take some more. My husband said it was fine. I said something like but I am not dressed up and the background is not right.
He basically said something like it is you. That is what you wear the majority of the time. And we live in the country. That is what it looks like. Our yard and field are not perfect. It is the country. That is a great picture of you and your life. He said to use it.
I am not sure I agree that it is a great picture and I am not sure I will leave it for long, but it is much better than the last picture I had up. And I know he is right. It is me. We live in the country and jeans and a t-shirt or flannel shirt are pretty much what I wear 99% of the time. That picture is a pretty good look at me and my life.
And can we just talk about flannel shirts for a minute. You might have noticed that they are all over the stores right now. According to my friend Jen they are the in thing right now.
I told my daughters and a few friends that I guess I was in before it was in. 🙂 I have been wearing and loving flannel shirts for years. My kids call them my Oregon shirts, not because they came from Oregon, but my kids think that they look like what a good portion of the people in the town I grew up in wear.
I have some Eddie Bauer flannel shirts that I have had for quite a few years. I bought a few new ones this year, since they are everywhere. Old Navy had some good deals and I found some in a woman’s tall sizes, how could I not buy some new ones to add to my collection.
But I guess I did not realize they were not the in thing the last few years. Don’t they sell flannel shirts every year? Do flannel shirts ever really ever go out of style. 🙂
Speaking of things going out of style… I saw these when I was out shopping last week. There are some things, okay many things, from the 1980’s that should NEVER come back in style. I am really thinking leg warmers are one of them! They are definitely one of those things I look back at and think what were we thinking… I saw them in stores, but have yet to see anyone wearing them. I am hoping they are a trend that just does not catch on again.
I have been working on updating some of the recipes in my archives. This bean soup is one of them. My kids informed me that some things just don’t photograph well. I think bean soup is one of them. Although I have to admit that that new picture is much better than the one I shared in 2009.
My broccoli soup is another one that is hard to photograph.
I don’t know how many times I have tried to get a better picture of it. I am thinking the old photo of my version of Panera’s Broccoli Soup might actually be better than the new one.
I think I did manage to get a better picture of my ground beef stir fry though. This one was taken on my i-phone, but the ones on my camera turned out great. I have also changed what I do on the ground beef stir fry a little and will share the updated version soon. I like the new version much better. I can’t wait to share it.
I hope you had a good week and have a great weekend!
My daughter’s favorite outfit is a tshirt, flannel, shirt, and jeans, usually with boots. I have a new flannel shirt waiting for her birthday. I agree with your assessment on leg warmers, those don’t need to come back! My other daughter has a couple of pairs but she wears them to dance, not out in public.