When I was looking through my pictures for today’s Everyday Adventures post, I realized that I pretty much only took food pictures this week. I guess there was not much exciting outside of food happening at our house this week.
I shared this on Instagram and Facebook this week, but I wanted to share it here too in case some of you with little kids need some encouragement. It is worth all the work and messes!
This is one of the many reasons that teaching kids to cook is so worth it. Yes, it takes a lot of time and patience when they are young. There are days that the time and mess of kids in the kitchen does not feel like it is worth it because it is so much work. But it will pay off and be worth it. You are teaching them a skill that will last a lifetime. Yesterday after a long afternoon of errands and doctors appointments I came home to this cake made by my 15 year old. It was a totally from scratch gluten free double chocolate bundt cake. I think she is more than making up for all the messes she made in the kitchen when she was younger!
Last week I decided to change up pizza night and experiment with a few different things. The deep dish pizza in the cast iron pan was the favorite! We loved it and I will be cooking pizza in cast iron again. I just pressed the dough into the cast iron pan, baked it for about 8 minutes, put the toppings on, and baked it about 8-9 minutes more or until done. Delicious!
Some days are just rotisserie chicken for dinner type of days! We had one of those days this week.
My husband brought home a bunch of mushrooms one day this week. It is a long story on how he got them, but when he came home with 6 packages of mushrooms, I knew I was going to have to get creative to use them all up. I decided to use some of them in a sandwich and it was delicious! I will share the recipe soon.
I am still working on updating some of the pictures in the archives. My family doesn’t mind when that involves cookies. 🙂
And in case you missed it last week, I have joined Periscope. I am doing a gluten free Periscope on Mondays and on Thursdays I am sharing regular kitchen tips, everyday stuff, etc. Yesterday I talked about menu planning. If you are on Periscope I would love to have you join us. I am LynnsKitchenAdv on Periscope. If you are not on Periscope you can find the links to all the replays here.
I hope you all have a great weekend!
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