Schools are starting and summer is winding down, but the weather is still hot in most parts of the country. That is probably because even though what we consider to be summer is almost over, the calendar says it will be summer for another month.
That means we have plenty of time to fit in lots of summer salads, easy meals, and grilled meats. This week I am focusing on all kinds of meals perfect for the last month of summer.
This week I also put some kid friendly breakfasts on the plan. That is because they freeze great and it is the perfect time to fill your freezer for easier breakfasts for back to school.
Cheeseburger sloppy joes and easy pasta sauce are also both recipes that freeze well, so make extra for the freezer.
Here is this week’s menu plan.
Banana Oatmeal Breakfast Cookies
Peanut Butter and Jelly Oatmeal Breakfast Muffins
Breakfast for Dinner-Eggs and Rice
Instant Pot Chicken Legs (with a slow cooker option)
Dessert of the Week
I never heard of Eggs & Rice before. It sounds good. I need to try it & hopefully my family will like it! : )
I hope that you enjoy it! We love it for a quick and easy inexpensive meal.
As to your zucchini post ,I also have squash bug problems killing plants before I can drive people crazy with foods that include zucchini. The only preventative plan I have found is to use “Sevin Dust\Spray” before bugs get a toe hold. I do not like to use chemicals in my garden however so I basically never have to much zucchini. I have enjoyed the recipe you shared for zucchini stuffed chicken ( seems like it was your sister’s recipe ?) and think you should print it again as it is delicious!
We have resorted to using that in the past too. It is the only thing that seems to work. I wish there was a better option for them….Thanks for the reminder on that chicken recipe. That is my sister’s recipe from when she did a guest post. I need to make that again! Have a great day!