I have been working on a new ebook and it is almost done!
I am really excited about this ebook because teaching your kids to cook and prepare food is a skill that will last them a lifetime. They will eat healthier and save so much money over the course of their life just by knowing some basic kitchen skills.
This is a subject I am passionate about and I can’t wait to share it with all of you. More details coming soon!
Congtuatulations to you! Can’t wait to find out more about this as my children love to help in the kitchen.
Sounds awesome!! I hated anything to do with the kitchen when I was younger and it slowed the process for enjoying cooking as I got older.
This sounds like a great book that I can enjoy with my daughter!!
Oh how fun! I cannot wait for this to come out!
I’m so excited about this ebook. I look forward to it being finished & using it with my little one. I love to cook and bake and he is such a helper already. Thanks!
Can’t wait to see it. My friends and I are all presently working with our children to teach them to cook. Will be nice to have a resource for other recipes and ideas to go to.
I can’t wait to see this, too! Would you consider publishing it on Lulu or something too? Ebooks and kids–at least toddlers!–don’t go together very well.