If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram then you probably saw that I made quick trip to Oregon over the weekend. I grew up in Oregon and all my family still lives in northwest Oregon and the Portland area.
Usually my whole family goes with me when I visit Oregon and we often make a road trip of it, this year though we decided to change it up and just my oldest daughter and I went. We have a bit of a crazy schedule this summer so my whole family really couldn’t get away, but I decided it would be a good time to do a fun mother daughter trip. It also gave my daughter some one on one time with my parents that she usually does not get.
We left last Wednesday at 6 am. That was the day I mentioned on Facebook that I wished I liked coffee. A 6 am flight meant getting up at 3:45 am and since I don’t drink coffee, a Dr Pepper was needed to make it through that day. Just keeping it real!
We flew back to Oklahoma yesterday, so it really was a quick trip, but we were able to fit in quite a bit.
If you have ever been to the Portland area during the summer than you probably saw roadside farm type stands. They are all over during the summer selling berries and local produce. I went to Oregon a little earlier in the summer this year than I normally do, and I thought I would totally miss out on the fresh berries, so I might just have squealed a little when I arrived at my sister’s house to see fresh local strawberries on her counter.
Then I made my dad stop at a roadside stand, so I could buy some more to take to their house. If you have never had a fresh Oregon strawberry you are missing out. They are so good. Fresh from the field they are so juicy and sweet and delicious.
This is a trail near my parent’s house where we did some bike riding and my daughter and I took a walk one morning. The morning we took our walk it was 50 degrees and drizzling and I quickly remembered why I love Oregon so much. Yes, I am strange and actually love having to wear a sweatshirt in June. The cool rainy weather is what keeps it so green and beautiful.
We also made a quick trip to the beach. My parent’s live about one hour from the coast so it was an easy trip for an afternoon. It was a beautiful day at the beach. It was a bit cool and cloudy, but overall perfect weather for this time of year. We took a nice long walk on the beach and actually managed to avoid the rain showers while we were there.
Eating smoked salmon and eggs for breakfast means I am definitely in Oregon. My dad knows I love salmon, so he smoked a salmon for me. We took the last little bit of it and made an omelet out of it. Delicious!
It was nice to have a few days off to spend with friends and family, but now it is back to reality and catching up on everything from laundry to email.
I know Oklahoma has made a lot of national news over the last week so I wanted to add a quick note for those of you that have asked if my family made it through the storms. My daughter and I were in Oregon when it all hit, but the rest of my family made it through fine. It has been a wild and crazy few weeks weather wise in Oklahoma and many families have lost so much. Please continue to keep Oklahoma in your prayers.
I always say Dr. Pepper is my coffee! Can’t stand coffee but love some Dr.Pepper!
Love your post…made me a little homesick. I grew up in Vancouver, WA. We’re a military family so we’ve lived all over and now we’re currently in Georgia. Our summers here are terrible….I loved the misty cool June days. Just didn’t realize how much until I moved away from the NW.