Growing up my parents always had a large garden and we loved the fresh fruits and vegetables that came from it. I learned a lot from my parents about gardening and my husband and I have had a garden almost every year since we got married.
Gardening is a lot of work, but it is so worth it. There is nothing quite like fresh from the vine tomatoes, freshly picked blueberries, or lettuce picked just minutes before you eat it.
This year our garden is a bit smaller than it normally is, but it is still plenty big. We planted tomatoes, several kinds of peppers, zucchini, yellow squash, lettuce, cantaloupe, herbs, and cucumbers. We also have blueberries and quite a few fruit trees. We should have some good eating come June, July, and August.
Since we have been spending a lot of time gardening and it is on my mind, I decided to do a fun Ask the Readers question today about gardening.
Do you garden? If so I would love to hear what you are growing this year.
Definitely have a garden and we expanded the size this year, a long with the weather being so up and down, I feel very behind. Right now, I have snap peas, garden peas, potatoes, onions, beets, turnips, several kinds of lettuce, spinach, Swiss chard, kale, broccoli, green beans, carrots. Today, I will be finishing putting in my tomato plants, cucumbers, peppers and then hopefully in the next few days, squash, melons and more beans. Now I am tired just looking at the list.:-). We also have strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and some other fruit trees. Busy time of the year!
That sounds like a nice garden and will have some great food in a few months. I have planted beans and carrots in the past, but didn’t this year. I keep saying I am going to try potatoes, but never have done it. I hope your garden does well for you this year!
My parents and grandparents always had a garden growing up so I think it is in my genes to have a garden too! I love it!
Nothing like fresh veggies in the summertime.
I expanded my garden this year too! I have planted 60+ tomatoes. Green beans, several kinds of peppers, beets, onions, kale, spinach, cabbage, snap and garden peas, melon, potatoes and zucchini!
I also planted a seperate herb garden this year.
I also recently planted blueberries and raspberries.
Very busy time coming up!!
That sounds like a great garden. And you will love having fresh blueberries and raspberries. Blueberries are one of my favorite things to grow.
I have gardened in the past, but wasn’t on top of it this year. But I do have some successful herbs growing in containers. So at least there is something, right? LOL
Yes herbs are still something so you did good. 🙂 I love growing herbs because they are so easy. This year instead of putting them in the garden, which is not really close to my house, I decided to grow them in pots on the deck. I am hoping they still do well and that I use them more since all I have to do is walk out the back door.
Totally agree, that is why mine are in the pots on the front porch. I have been cooking with them and making some GREAT dinners, but I have I have also been adding them to the flower bouquets I give to my friends. I have some BIG gardenia bushes in the back and so far my favorite herbs to add are peppermint, rosemary and cinnamon basil. 🙂
Because of some health problems with my husband I no longer have an “in the ground” garden. Because I didn’t want to totally give up on it I am gardening in containers. I bought large tree size pots from a gardening center and have had a great deal of luck with them. Much easier on my back and best of all, no weeding! This year I’ve planted elephant garlic, last October,lettuce, basil, zucchini, cucumbers, several tomatoes, I can plant two in these large containers, and three types of peppers. When the lettuce is done I bought a type of okra seed that is supposed to do well in containers that I plan to try. I really want one more of this type container, I have ten right now, so I can figure out something else to play with! Gardening is therapy for me after caring for my husband all day.
Blueberries, Strawberries, Black Raspberries, Applies (Red Delcious, Golden Delicious, Gala, Granny Smith), Asian Pears (2 types…can’t remember the names), Barlett Pears, Quince, Cuties, Persimmon, Pomegranate, Radishes, Cherry Tomatoes, Thyme, Rosemary, Lemon Grass, Oregano, Green Onions, Cilantro, Chives, and Lavendar. I’m always on the lookout for edible perennials….can’t find rubarb or artichoke anywhere…will continue to try.
Our garden is looking quite nice right now. We have potatoes, blueberries, tomatoes, squash, zucchini, and peppers in our garden, and I have rosemary, thyme, oregano, parsley, basil, chives, orange mint and chocolate mint in my container garden. I’m looking for peppermint-can’t find it anywhere.
I keep seeing the chocolate mint and it sounds really interesting. I am going to have to try that one sometime. I have never heard of orange mint. What do you use that in?