This week for my Ask The Readers question I want to talk about food, food allergies that is.
Food allergies and issues are part of many of our lives. Whether it is eggs, dairy, wheat, or nuts, many of us deal with the reality of food allergies everyday.
In my family I have several that eat gluten free. Last year my oldest daughter developed an allergy to all tree nuts, peanuts, and sesame. Her allergy is serious. It is the life threatening, have to carry an epi-pen at all times, kind of allergy.
I also have a sister who is allergic to strawberries, and another sister who is allergic to all pitted fruits. Yes, my family is quite familiar with food allergies and issues.
I know many of you are also dealing with the challenges of food allergies, so today I thought it would be interesting to find out what allergies you or those in your house are dealing with.
Do you have an allergy to dairy, eggs, soy, wheat, nuts, or something else?
And for the purpose of today’s question by allergy I mean allergy, intolerance, digestive issue, etc.
I am supposed to avoid gluten/wheat, milk and most cheeses, and oats. My allergies and acid reflux have improved by avoiding these and I’ve gone off of asthma medication.
@Heather brandt, I am so glad that those diet changes have helped you. Going off gluten has made a huge improvement in both my reflux and my asthma.
My 6 yr old has a serious allergy to peanuts and almonds. He started school this year and we have been adjusting to all that entails. The public school system is sadly not equipped to deal with such allergies, though they do the best they can. Being a life-long peanut LOVER, I struggle daily with the loss of my favorite food. We all have various environmental allergies, but this is our family’s first food allergy. The education process has been interesting. 😉
@Dawn, Oh we can sympathize with the peanut allergy. It was one of my husband’s favorite foods, but we are learning to adjust and find new foods to like.
i am lucky as of right now to not have any food allergies in my household. my nephew who i help care for does though. He is allergic to fish, soy, regular milk, wheat and peanuts. I HATE HATE HATE that our daycare (where i work and he and my children attend) does NOT handle it well for ANY person with an allergy OR food preferences (example we had a vegetarian and when we had meat dishes there was no variety, he was served either double vegetable or egg salad in place of the meat. for my nephew and another current student when there are foods they can not eat, they are served a ham or turkey sandwich on special bread.) i really wish people would take more time to work with children with allergies.
Both of my children have severe food allergies all together they are allergic to: dairy, wheat, eggs, fish, peanuts and tree nuts. Our diet is limited and I have had to learn new ways to prepare foods with new ingredients. Our grocery bill is expensive and we rarely go out. BUT! We are adapting and we learn daily about new products, and how to handle situations at school, travel and with friends and family. Often when I am having one of those “poor me” moments- God reminds me that we have it pretty good and there are worse things for my children to suffer through. To anyone that is going through the same- education and support are what you truly need. Seek out help and use all of your resources.
@Jennifer, I have found a great attitude helps so much. When I get discouraged I try to remember that it could be so much worse, and that there is still many things we can still eat. So I totally agree. We all have times where it is challenging and discouraging and finding others that understand helps so much.
@Jennifer, How old are your kids, Jennifer?
My daughter and I just had a conversation last week about her multiple food allergies. She told me that she is almost happy that she has allergies because it gives her an excuse not to eat the junk that other kids eat. Admittedly, though, we’ve had our fair share of “poor me” moments when we both just sit and cry, her wishing she could eat what everyone else does, and me wishing that I could go down the grocery aisle and just put whatever I wanted into the cart and not have to plan so much. Then we do as you do, pick ourselves up and realize that we are blessed in many ways. The reality of her having food allergies is that it has made me a much better cook, nutritionist, and food consumer. I KNOW what’s in food and could never go back to just blindly feeding my family what I used to make.
@Cheri, I agree. Having all the food issues we have over the last couple of years, have made me totally rethink food and what we eat. Having to read labels all the time due to the food allergies has made me much more aware of what we eat.
My daughter is 5 and my son will soon be 3. I really feel the toughest thing about allergies is having others understand. Grandparents (and they have 4 sets due to divorce) have never offered to keep them overnight, take them to a movie, or even to the park. They tell us it is due to their allergies and it scares them, ‘s but when we try to educate they just tell us they really don’t feel like they can handle it.
As far as your comments about reading labels and being more aware I agree. We eat really well and there for a while the doctor was worried about my child’s weight, but I reminded him that she does not eat like a normal child- no McDonalds, or pizza for us so all of our health has benefited. I would like to see more foods on the market that are ready made though, freezer entrees etc. Just having a night where I can heat something up would be nice for a break. This is when my “poor me” moments usually come: when I am so tired from work and really do not want to prepare a meal but know that I not only have to have dinner for the night, but leftovers for them to take to school the next day. Lastly it really does help me to see that others are going through the same thing. The internet has really helped me with websites for recipes, to e-support groups, to places like this where people can share what they know and how they cope. Thanks to everyone who has posted!
@Jennifer, ((hugs)). I don’t think that you would be able to enjoy your time alone anyway if the grandparents are like that. There are a lot of people that are afraid of it. You will come along some amazing people that WILL take the extra steps and attention needed to make your kids safe food and will care. It will make those times even sweeter for you. Hang in there.
You are totally right about the weight, too. Your kids will never have a weight problem because they don’t have that option. And that’s a blessing. They will have an “excuse,” as my daughter says, not to eat the junk. She says it freeing to be able to blame her allergies. She is not afraid to stand up for herself and has learned to be gracious to others while doing it.
I TOTALLY know what you mean about feeling the pressure of cooking, too. I am with you! When I have time, like this weekend, I am stocking my freezer with stuff that I can pull out later. I have some easy meals that I can pull together fast, if I need to, that I always have on hand for those “life happens” nights. I try to always have chicken stock in my freezer. It’s my go-to for a lot of things. I can make her a quick chicken noodle soup when I pull out a 2-cup portion of stock, heat it, throw some Tinkyada pasta in it. Toast some homemade bread and she’s good. Sometimes I’ve got leftover chicken in the freezer too to put in it. Breakfast for dinner is always a hit around here.
If you ever need some encouragement, I’d be happy to talk more and help you!
My 12-year-old daughter has multiple food allergies. When she was nearly a year old, she was diagnosed with allergies to peanuts, tree nuts (due to cross-contamination), milk, eggs, soy, strawberry, and environmental allergies (think everything green). Her primary reaction was eczema and we began our journey. Her eczema only continued to get worse as she got older, even with avoiding those foods, I think, because of the environmental allergies in the spring, summer, and fall. Her skin is beautiful in the winter!
When she was 6 years old, we found out that she was allergic to wheat and a probable celiac after testing for those. She had begun to have serious GI issues.
Now that she is 12 years old, our list is getting better. She’s currently avoiding peanuts, tree nuts, strawberries, and gluten. She’s now able to tolerate eggs baked in things and some soy in limited amounts too. We are trialing milk right now, and she seems to be doing okay with it, although she REFUSES to drink it at all and thinks it is totally disgusting. 🙂
For those of you with little kids out there that are struggling with the kids in school, I want to encourage you that it can be done. Be there at those class parties, be your child’s advocate, and do whatever you need to to keep your child safe. Their right to peanut butter is NOT more important than your child’s right to live! Most people want to be accomodating, they just don’t get it. I only ran into a few people who really felt that I was infringing on their kid’s right to eat peanut butter.
I make her food and send it with her to school every day. She takes her own special treats to the parties, and we just make it work.
My husband is avoiding eggs because they seem to bother him now. Neither my son nor I have any allergies.
@Cheri, Thank you for the tips. It sounds like you have dealt with many food issues. Strawberry allergies seem very rare. I think my sister is the only one I had heard of having it until you mentioned your daughter. It would be so hard to have that allergy on top of all the others, but I am so glad that she is doing better.
@Lynn, Thank you for the thread! I’m interested to hear from others. I love your blog and actually came in here to print a recipe!
I’ve never heard of anyone else that avoided strawberries either! As I was typing that out, I was thinking, wow, our list is shrinking! I’m so excited at the prospect of cooking with dairy again!
@Cheri, Strawberry allergy runs wild in my family. I have it, and avoided giving my son strawberries at all until he turned 3. So far, so good. I still really only let him have 3 or 4 at a time, because mine did not develop until I was in school. He used have eczema but seems to have outgrown it.
@Cheri, my kids have had several classmates with peanut allergies and other food allergies in preschool and elementary school. I’ve never had someone in the classrooms say their kids were entitled to something with peanuts in it despite the student with an allergy. I have gladly searched lables or called parents to make sure that the item i was sending in was suitable for the classmate with allergies. i find it hard to believe (although i’m sure it does happen) that someone would say their child is entitled to something that could harm an other child in their classroom.
@susan, Some people are like you and take that extraordinary effort, and THANKS for making that extra effort for your kids’ classmates with allergies. It means a lot to those parents! I’ve found the vast majority of people are just clueless because they simply haven’t needed to do the things that I have to do to feed my child. It’s okay. We actually prefer to send her food with her because it eliminates her getting sick later and everyone feeling bad because of an oversight. It has gotten so much better as she’s gotten older because she knows how to read labels now and understands the consequences.
Unfortunately, there is a small number of people who think that a peanut butter sandwich or peanut butter crackers or peanut whatever is the only thing their child will eat because they are picky or haven’t offered anything else or something, and I have had to butt heads with a few of them in the classroom setting. In the end, because her allergy is life-threatening, the teachers helped handle it by not allowing the snacks in the classroom, which had the child go home and tell their parent that they HAD to bring something different. She sat a peanut-free lunch table, and if another student did eat something with peanut butter, they would have to wash really well before coming to class, overseen by the teacher, and then not sit near her for the day. The KIDS were very motivated and did not want to make my daughter sick. They became very proactive with their parents, for the most part, and helped teach them.
It started with weird symptoms. Turned out to be Celiac, so I cut all gluten. Felt a bit better for a while but then realized I had sort of stalled in the healing process…so I explored more possible allergies. It’s starting to look like peanuts, shellfish, corn, rice, potatoes (and all other nightshades), possibly chocolate, possibly vanilla, DEFINITELY beans. It goes on. I went from a normal person to someone who must constantly think about everything I eat and what’s in the things I buy.
Sites like this give me hope. I always manage to wade through and find a few small gems to try. Like your cauliflower bake that’s in my oven right this moment!
@Ali, It seems like those with celiac and often gluten intolerance also have issues with other foods. Gluten free can be challenging, and adding on more foods to stay away from makes it even more difficult. I am glad that you find some of my recipes helpful. I hope you enjoy the cauliflower.
Have any of you heard of the GAPS diet or leaky gut?
Here’s a blog where the lady talks about reversing their food allergies by changing their diet:
For me personally, I know I have some true allergies – not epi pen type allergies – but diagnosed at the Dr. office allergies.
However, in the last year I’ve developed a lot of different intolerances to wheat, dairy, and other foods. I think there might be something to the GAPS diet and or leaky gut thing (you can google it for more info), but I’m not sure yet.
I am severly allergic to Raspberries and Key Limes (oddly regular limes do not seem to affect me!)
As a school teacher I would suggest to all parents that have children with food allergies (especially the life-threatning allergies) to make sure ALL your childs teachers are aware and NOT to depend on the classroom teacher or the nurse or even your child to tell everyone. I am an art teacher and am almost never allerted to students allergies. Once we were making paper mache with a flour and water paste. There was a child with a severe wheat allergy in my class and although he didnt eat the paste he did have his hands in it and the poor things hands and finger swelled all up and he was quite sick. No one had told me and the student knew we were using flour and was old enough (8th grade) to know he should stay away from it but never said a word to me. I would always suggest you personally notify any school professional who may come in contact with your child.
@Julie, you are so right about us parents contacting all the teachers. I do that every year. I am surprised that the 8th grader did not tell you about the wheat allergy. I hope that he learns to take the steps that he needs to to keep himself safe. I have told all of my daughter’s teachers that I will happily supply anything that she needs to complete projects or what she needs to have in order to participate.
I’ve just gone on a gluten free trial to see if would help with my fibromyalgia symptoms. My stomach bloating left right away. I haven’t had the need to take Advil in two days. (I was taking up to eight a day)
I’m still having some digestion problems but I’m not that great at detecting gluten just yet. Since I have so much more energy and my brain fog is lessening, I can do more research. Thank you for your site. I subscribe and also just pop in for a visit and browse around the archives!
@Nancy, I’ve read a huge amount of info on fibro patients getting great results cutting potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants ie nightshade plants. Due to the alkaloids they contain. Just an FYI and something for you to look into if you feel like it 🙂
We recently learned about my sons allergies, (well almost 2 years ago) Some of them affect him more than others. Here is his partial list: Rice, Oats, Soybean, Barley, Walnuts, Pecans, Pineapple, Lemon, Coconut…
He was the fussiest child for 3 years!!! After I removed all of these he is a happy child. I also decided to get tested because I have had migraine headaches since the age of 9. I just thought that my son had a large list. My list includes: Rice, Oats, Dairy, Chicken, Green Beans, Pecans, Walnuts, Yeast, Tomatoes…It goes on also…I have only had 3 headaches in the last year and that was from trying out a food to see if there was any reaction. My only saving grace is that I LOVE to bake and cook. I make our bread from fresh ground wheat, we now eat quinoa instead of rice, all of our desserts are also made with whole wheat and EVOO or Canola Oil. I hate telling my son no to so many food and thankfully his reaction is a runny nose, so an occasional slip is not life threatening.
I’ve always been lactose intolerant, but my love of ice cream has helped me build a tolerance to most dairies. There are certain brands of items that I react to more than others. I’m also gluten sensitive. My 7 year old is allergic to nuts and we are meeting with allergist tomorrow because she seems to now react to citrus. I believe she is allergic and/or sensitive to additional items and I’m hoping now that she can get the whole allergist workout, I can find out more.
My almost 11 yr old dd has multiple allergies too! She’s at the moment covered in eczema rash 🙁 Based on an IgG test, she’s supposed to be allergic to wheat, chicken, eggs, soy, garlic, dairy, cod, corn, MSG (including naturally occuring ones in mushrooms and tomatoes!).
We don’t eat out anymore and if we do, I’ll bring her specially prepared food. To say it’s been so hard on her (and me) is an understatement 🙁
But that isn’t the worse thing – what’s worse is that despite strictly following this diet for the past 3 years, she STILL isn’t getting better! So now I am totally frustrated seeing her suffer.
I have read bits of GAP on the web but am deterred by the fact that I am to get organic bone broth! It is impossible to do so here in Singapore 🙁 Besides if I avoid the long list of foods plus GAP, I think she won’t have anything to eat 🙁
For me it is strawberries and MSG. Strawberries are pretty simple to avoid, but mixed fruit anything must be regarded with suspicion until proven strawberry-free. MSG was much harder to pin down as the cause and even harder to avoid.
My 14 year old daughter has been dealing with severe allergies to dairy and all nuts since she was 6 weeks old. It has been a challenge! Her day care was basically afraid of her, and refused to make accommodations — I sent her food in daily. When she was 4 we travelled to Florida by plane, and requested a peanut-free flight. The flight attendants handed out packets of peanuts at snack time, and one of them yelled at me when I questioned her, arguing that it would not affect my daughter. In elementary school (private, Catholic), she was segregated from the other students at an “allergy table” for the first 2 years she attended. This is her 3rd year in public school, and nothing has changed. As a teacher, I sponsored a school trip to Quebec. We let the tour company know about her allergies, and they let the restaurants know ahead of time, but no accommodations were made. I think if we wait for everyone else to accommodate us (which, on principle, perhaps they should) we put ourselves and our children at risk. The best way I have found to deal with the issue is to teach my daughter the skills she needs to keep herself safe.
my love has ibs. we’re still learning how to deal with that for him. i pretty much avoid tomatoes, msg, and anything saucy as it seems to set him off but also with the ibs you never really know when you’re going to have an attack and it’s a bear to figure out all the triggers. He along with my 2 middle children are lactose intolerant. but that’s not too much of a problem. we’ve replaced their milk with lactaid and they don’t seem to have too much trouble from other milk products
One of my sons has a rice “intolerance”. Definitely not as serious as the carry-around-an-epi-pen-at-all-times type intolerance, but definitely makes him feel miserable and thus made us MUCH more aware of what is IN food. I was amazed to find how many things contain rice (or rice flour)!
@amy, when my daughter was first diagnosed with the wheat allergy and possible celiac diagnosis, she was even allergic to rice too! I have never heard of anyone else being allergic to rice. We’ve since been able to add it back in, though. ((hugs))
My mother was allergic to tea and green beans. She reacted to them like most people react to pollen allergies. But, she loved both and didn’t avoid them. She did, however, avoid milk and onions both of which would blow her up like a hot-air balloon. She loved ice cream, so she would time her consumption to where she wasn’t going to be going anywhere for a few days. I was supposedly “allergic” to milk as an infant, so I was given goat’s milk instead. I suspect it was lactose intolerance as I am somewhat intolerant now, but otherwise can eat dairy with little problem. I don’t know of anything else, other than the normal reaction one gets to bean consumption.
Both my son and I are allergic to corn, which is in everything. My cat has problems with it as well (it is the number one ingredient in most cat food). I am also allergic to nuts (anaphylactic allergic), eggs, beef, chicken (I can eat some, but of course chickens eat corn) and some dairy. Also bananas (related to ragweed).
My son had an anaphylactic response to cashews and pistachios. We carry an epipen at all times now and avoid all nuts. He will eat peanuts at home- but in public it is easier to avoid all nuts. sometimes it is just to hard to explain to people who do not have food allergies- they just don’t understand how serious it really is.
I found an awesome site about food families-
It tells you what other foods are related to the foods that you are allergic to. Found out that mango is in the cashew family. We have not been tested for mango but are avoiding. Unfortunately with all the new tropical foods, juices out- many of them contain mango so we are being extra careful in reading labels and avoiding tropical flavors!
Between my daughter and myself we are allergic to 51 foods (some do overlap)! Yikes! It all basically started with a gluten intolerance (we chose not to continue testing to determine if it was celiac, as I was very sick and continuing the gluten made matters worse and my daughter has Aspergers syndrome with extreme fears, we decided just to go GF) because of that I have all the other allergies. We cover all citrus, all berries, wheat, barley, rye, yeast (3 kinds), cow’s milk (all proteins), eggs, mustard, nutmeg, lettuce, corn, tomatoes, halibut, sesame, garlic, alfalfa, beans (except black, mung and garbanzo), apples, peaches, cherries, rice, oats, soy, coconut and others… Our allergic responses ranged from asthma type reaction, hives, swelling tongue, burning tongue, migraines, digestive issues and behavior issues. When we first started out the focus was what we cannot eat, this was really hard for my daughter she was 8. She felt there was nothing she could eat, then a time passed we learned to shift that focus to what we could eat. Our quality of our diet has greatly improved as there is a hardly a processed food on the market that we can eat! After nearly a year of avoiding all of these foods we have been able to add things back in as long as we rotate them. My daughter, now 9, also will refuse now to eat things now as she just wants to be healthy. And I am very proud of her for that! Our hard times come when we need to grab something quick, we are learning to be prepared at all times, cook extra and freeze meals to have for those times, bring cooler with us full of safe foods, and all holidays we prepare our own food and bring it! It is hard and exhaustive, by as time goes by we get more accustomed to it. A lot of people do not understand, including family and that is sad.
My has had terrible GI problems since he was a baby. We just recently went back to the pedi for the umpteenth time and told her something HAD to be done. He’s seven, has had chronic stomach pain for over a year, loose bowel movements, and just feels awful all the time. She recommended trying an elimination diet and eliminating high-fructose corn syrup first. What a change! My happy boy came back to me, no stomach trouble, absolutely no diarrhea in ages. Problem has been trying to keep him on the diet when there are school parties, storebought candy, cookies, etc. that he has a hard time resisting. I thank God every day that there are so many alternatives out there – my brother was allergic to corn back in the early 1970s and my mom had to make everything from scratch. Now it’s my turn I guess! I’m just glad that there are websites like this one out there to help cook yummy food that he will eat and still be healthy. 🙂
Thanks for the reminder about Leaky Gut Syndrome. I have Celiac Disease which can cause Leaky Gut Syndrome. Once a person gets a leaky gut, I read in a medical journal that our food (e.g. protien molecules) start to enter our bloodstream as a foreign substance. Once that happens, we can develop auto-immune diseases because our body’s antibodies start attacking all over our body. That’s why it’s so difficult to cure cancer related to diagnosed or undiagnosed thyroid diseases. Cancer is a systemic disease (i.e. travels all over your body)
Our son has dealt with several food allergies, intolerances as well as eczema. I highly recommend a good probiotic for intolerances because the one and only thing that has really helped our little guy has been his Vidazorb chewable probiotic. It has changed our life and been an answer to prayers – he can now eat so many more foods than we ever dreamed possible and his skin looks great and he feels great. He does still have severe allergies though and we avoid several foods including nuts like you do. We eat soy-butter as a substitute. Hope our story helps! I really believe our gut bacteria and immunities are at play here and probiotics might be able to help others too.
I have celiac disease so I am totally gluten free. I was diagnosed 5 years ago and am so much healthier (and feel so much better!) since then. Originally, I also had lactose intolerance problems, but those have become less severe as my gut has healed.
Eating gluten free is certainly an adventure! I’m sure that’s the case with all food allergies & intolerances. I am always learning and trying new things. And there’s not much that I miss anymore, either.
I’ve learned to focus on what I can have, instead of what I can’t eat. It makes it a lot easier!
While my husband and I are not allergic to any food items (although I’m allergic to aloe), his brother is severely allergic to anything with potatoes. That makes it very difficult for him, as potato is used in so many items (potato flour is used to coat the pre-shredded cheese at the grocery store) and as he recently discovered the hard way, many grocery store bakeries will use potato flour in their donuts and other pastries. He carries an epi-pen with him to help in serious situations, but it’s definitely a unique challenge.
My 6 year old son has allergies to wheat, dairy, egg whites, and soy. He has done really well since being off of the allergens for the past 2 years. Not only has his health improved but also his behavior.
My daughter is allergic to peanuts but the rest of us are clear of allergies. She is now in public kinder so I’m teaching her more and more how to be independent and safe. Her allergy doesn’t impact my cooking much but it does influence where we eat out, etc. She outgrew her egg allergy around 5 and that was a huge relief. Now she loves them!
Love the website!
We avoid peanuts, tree nuts, sesame seeds, dairy, and eggs in our house. Although it was a challenge initially, we managed to find a relaxing way to deal with it. In fact, my son’s many allergies are the reason I can now cook! I’ve started a blog to share tips with other food allergic families and cut down stress and time handling FA issues (Allergy Shmallergy;
Would love to see some allergy-free remakes of our favorite cuisine: Chinese food! Yummmm….
Hey all, I’m an adult who is fairly recently come to realize that I don’t do well with caffeine (no chocolate 🙁 ) and corn.
Avoiding caffeine isn’t too bad – once I got over the chocolate cravings! LOL. but dealing with corn is nasty! Unlike gluten and nut allergies, there’s no labels for corn. I’m still learning the long list of things the MIGHT be made of corn. Giving up nearly all candy has been a challenge – so far I’ve found old fashioned mints are about it — and I”m getting tire of them! Oh well, my waistline doesn’t need them anyway, right?!
I don’t really enjoy cooking, but am finding that I HAVE to get into cooking because to be totally safe, I have to make most most things from scratch. I can’t afford to go the the health food/organic stores for much, … I have found the internet to be an awesome resource for recipes for things like baking powder, and mixes that I can do from scratch. Don’t like it, but dealing with it. (Thanks Lynn!! and has lots to offer!)
One of my haredst things recently has been dealing with eating out with friends… I have to know weeks in advance so I can contact the place to see what’s ok, but then getting there, I get to watch my friends eat all the delicious things I while I drewl over a bland stripped down something (usually a tiny boring salad). AND I still have to pay full price for it! Most months, I don’t go out to eat with them because they often choose mexican places. I’d rather stay home than subject myself to that kind of torture – even for the fellowship.
When I find something that is “ok” for me, it’s like Christmas, birthday, and every other “food” holiday for me!
I’m a bread-o-holic, so I’m very thankful that gluten isn’t an issue for me. I feel for all the celiacs out there! Corn is bad (used to be my favorite food of all time!), but Celiacs have it just as bad! Blessings on y’all!
Wow! I’ve been reading all of your posts and just want to give you all a hug! LOL
I wanted to post because my almost 14 yr old is starting to have dairy issues, we think she’s lactose intolerant. We got her and my son (12) tested for allergies within the last year and they said they weren’t allergic to anything, which is surprising since they get sick when I get sick (seasonal stuff), and have what almost seems like asthmatic symptoms sometimes (again, I have asthma). Kaitlyn (almost 14) is ok if she is avoiding cheeses like on a sandwich or something, but can’t help herself when it comes to mac/cheese, or pastas w/ cheese, etc., but this is new….so we got her some lactaid pills, and they help a little. I just have to get on the ball and start changing what I’m making. My youngest (8) has always gotten eczema, usually around anything w/ oats in it (found that out when we tried oatmeal baby cereal). If it’s a tiny part, like oats in a different form, she’s ok, but anything w/ whole oats (oatmeal, any cereal w/ oats, or recipes w/ oats) she will break out. She has a ton of medical things as it is, so honestly we haven’t gotten to the allergist yet, because it hasn’t been that hard to avoid oats for her, and it’s only eczema. I don’t know. I’m new to all this, but I enjoyed reading about all of your stories.
my heart goes out to anybody who as to suffer my toddler is so poorly at min he as allergies to soya,dairy ,milk,and wheat can anybody tell me if he is entitled to any help eg food on nhs ,disability benifit etc as is food is costing us a fortune anybody got any gud bread recipes.