Today’s Everyday Adventures post is mainly about food with a little bit of Periscope. If you are wondering what Periscope is I will share about it in a minute.
This week has involved quite a bit of recipe testing. I worked on a gluten free cake recipe one day. It was good, but I think I can make it better. The texture was just off and so was the taste. However, we managed to eat half the cake in less than 24 hours, so I guess it might not need as much work as I think it does.
My daughter made banana bread one day. We doubled the recipe. It is the dairy free banana bread and the gluten free dairy free banana recipe that I have shared before. We love this banana bread. Even if you are not dairy free it is well worth making.
I have also been working on a new gluten free muffin recipe. I want to try it one more time before I share it. So far we love it!
I had a doctors appointment this week and then had an allergic reaction the same day. I think I could write a book, or at least a whole series of blog posts, on my problems with allergies. It has been quite the adventure over my lifetime. And in case you are curious my allergies are not food related. I have some other weird allergies. According to my allergist I not only have odd allergies, I have very odd reactions.
Thankfully the day I had a reaction I had put stew in the crock pot. I did not really follow a recipe I just dumped in some stew meat, carrots, potatoes, beef broth, and a few other ingredients. It was not the prettiest of meals, and it overcooked a little, but it was delicious. I love my crock pot for busy days like that.
And now for Periscope. Periscope is a social media app that allows you share live videos. You just download the app to your phone and you can watch live videos, leave comments, and interact. I am thinking about giving it a try as a way to share videos with you all. You can watch them live or watch the replays.
I have really been wanting to work on building more of a community with my readers. I would love a way to share extra tips and kitchen ideas that I use everyday. The kind of things that I don’t have time to share here on my site. I think this might be a good way to do that.
My goal is to do two a week. One on Monday and one either on Thursday or Friday. One day will focus on gluten free and one day will focuses on general kitchen and real life stuff. If you are on Periscope you can find me at Periscope@lynnskitchenadv. If you are not on Periscope, or can’t watch them live, don’t worry, I will be sharing the links to the replays, So stay tuned for those.
And I will totally admit that I am a bit, or a lot, nervous about this. But I think it will be a good way to share tips and ideas, especially when it comes to gluten free, with my readers. My husband is always trying to encourage me to try new things and get outside my comfort zone. When he was encouraging me the other day to give it a try, I told him this would definitely be outside my comfort zone. 🙂 It should be fun and interesting.
I hope you all have a great weekend!
Lynn, I am so excited about you doing the periscope videos! I (and likely others) feel like we are friends so you are in good company to try this out. 🙂
I noticed on your periscope address kitchen is spelled kitchean. Not sure if that was a typo. Have a blessed day! Chris
Thank you. Periscope is outside my comfort zone, but I am excited to give it a try. Thanks for pointing the typo out. I just fixed it. It was a typo on my site, I think everything is fine on Periscope.