What do you do when you are getting lots and lots of basil? You make lots and lots of pesto.
I have picked a lot of basil this year. I have picked 8 cups at a time, at least four times this summer. I have been using it to make a lot of pesto and I have been freezing it. I have frozen some in small containers and I also froze some in ice cube trays. I like freezing it in ice cube trays because then I can just take out one or two cubes to use on pizza or on sandwiches.
Herbs are so easy to grow. Even if you do not have garden space you can grow herbs in pots. If you have never grown herbs, I highly recommend trying it.
That is what I do with basil, too. I plant lots of basil for that reason. I try to get at least 10-12 packages of pesto in the freezer so that we have pesto all year long.
My basil isn’t doing so well this year and I may fall short of my goal, *sigh*
Oh well, some is better than none, right?