Last week when I posted about using my frozen blackberries to make jelly and syrup, I received a couple of comments wondering how I made my blackberry syrup. I know I have posted several times about blackberries recently, but I thought the best way to answer these comments would be in a post.
I am pretty simple when it comes to jellies and jams. I know that there are a lot of recipes out there for unique and gourmet jams and jellies. But we like our jellies and jams simple, so that is the kind I make.
I just follow the directions on the package of pectin that I buy at the grocery store. It really is a simple recipe and it works, so that is what I use. No fancy jellies and jams for us.
For the syrup it really is just as easy. Growing up we ate a lot of berry syrups on our pancakes. Sometimes my mom meant to make them and sometimes she didn’t. There were times, for what ever reason, that her jelly would not set up, so we ate it as syrup. Now, to be honest my mom doesn’t always follow a recipe well, which is probably why her jelly did not always set up(Sorry mom). If you follow the jelly recipe it should work fine.
But how do you make syrup on purpose? It really is easy. Just follow the recipe for jelly that comes with the box of pectin, for everything, but the berry juice. For the juice part you want to use 2 extra cups of juice. So, if the recipe for jelly calls for 3 cups of a berry juice, use 5 cups of juice to get syrup. Just follow all the steps the same, except for the amount of juice. I also process the jars of syrup by following the directions for processing jelly. If worked really well with the blackberries and we have been enjoying wonderful blackberry syrup.
Has anyone else made berry syrups before? How do you make them?
I had some Wild Black Cherry jelly that didn’t set up–and I had no idea how I was going to use it up. Last week I used it over your Oatmeal Pancakes and it was SO good. I wondered if there was a way to purposely make syrup.
I can’t wait to try this since my DH LOVES blackberries. Now–what do you use to keep all the little seeds out?
To keep the seeds out you strain it through a cheesecloth or a food mill.
first of all, I love your site!
I make homemade syrup all the time using 1 cup sugar, 1 cup brown sugar, and 1 cup water – bring to slow boil – boil 5 min. – add flavor ( I use 1 tsp vanilla and 1 tsp. maple flavoring.). I think you could make berry syrup the same way using 2 cups sugar to 1 cup juice. may not need any flavoring added.
I just found your blog – great recipes! I make my homemade berry syrups with just a package of frozen berries and a tiny bit of sugar (or none at all). I put it all in a saucepan and let it come to a boil after thickening it with cornstarch and water. It doesn’t make too much, but it’s just plain fruit (no additives/just a little sugar) and it tastes so yummy!!
Thanks for this post, I want to make jellies and jam this summer with berries!
I have often wondered about a jelly recipe using packaged pectin…soooo excited to find you. It is funny to think that years ago when I wanted to make berry syrup the Extension office gave me a recipe using tissue to thicken it. Honest…we have come a long ways – haven’t we. By the way I never tried it as it was just too disgusting to think about or repeat to anyone
made blackberry syrup from my fresh berries, and froze the jars. But as soon as I open a jar it will begin to mold within a few days. Any ideas on what to do? I have quite a bit of this syrup