The last few weeks, ok more like months, have been really busy for me, but I think that is the case for most of us. Life always seems to be busy with one thing or another.
In general I am a pretty scheduled person. I love lists and it is one of the ways I accomplish what I do. I shared on Facebook though this morning that the last few weeks I have fallen off track and I am feeling a bit disorganized. From the comments and likes on that update, it looks like many of you understand what I mean.
Starting today though it is back to list making and schedule following. Oh and list crossing off. I think one of the things I love about making to do lists is that it feels great to see everything crossed off and accomplished.
I have been meaning to catch up on a few things here on my site, so today I decided to share a post basically of a little bit of this and that, so I could catch up all at once. Plus, that means I can now cross several things off my to do list just by writing one post. My to do list will be a little shorter now, which is always a good thing.
If you or your kids get Parent and Child magazine, be sure to check out the April issue. They featured a few of my recipes!!!! (I am just a little excited about it.) I love sharing recipes and tips for making life in the kitchen easier, so I really enjoyed sharing some ideas with busy moms and family’s who need it. I think this magazine is distributed through schools, but I know I have seen it in Doctors offices and other places as well. If you see the magazine and article, I would love to know what you think. (And if anyone has an extra copy they could spare, I would love to have one that I could send to my Family in Oregon. Email me if you would be willing to share. )
I recently joined the land of Instagram. Well, I joined awhile ago, but I am finally sharing more photos on Instagram. My goal is to share a few more personal what I am doing type photos. In other words if you want to know what I had for lunch, if I have had a Dr. Pepper today, or what is in my grocery cart, you might want to follow along. I will try to include a few more interesting things also. Are you on Instagram?
If you are on Pinterest, I have a few new boards I have started and others that are reorganized. There are a lot of quick and easy dinner ideas, crock pot ideas, homemade favorites, and more. I am hoping I am not the only one that gets lost on Pinterest. Not lost in a bad way, but lost in the I click here and there and I realize an hour later how much time I just spent on Pinterest. So many delicious things to look at.
This is what my kitchen table looked like earlier this week. I should have taken a picture of what the other side of my kitchen looked like. The reality is that all this food was on the table, because my kitchen was such a mess I had no place to put all the food as it came out of the oven. It made this keeping it real photo from last year look pretty good. My kitchen is not always pretty and put together. In fact more often than not, it is quite messy. Just keeping it real for you all.
If my allergy section is a bit quiet over the next week or two it is because I am working on a new gluten free ebook project. I am really excited about it, but it has been a lot of work, baking, tweaking, etc. I will share details soon and hope to get a new post up later this week over there. I have an interview with Shirley from Gluten Free Easily that I think you all will enjoy, and hopefully I will be back to baking and sharing more gluten free things soon.
That might just be one of the most rambling odds and ends posts I have written, so thanks for putting up with it and for letting me catch up all at once.
Now back to my to do list………..
That’s so exciting that you were published in a magazine! If I get a copy from my son’s school I’ll let you know! Congratulations!
Thanks. I appreciate it.
Congrats on the feature! It is amazing at how busy we all are yet we keep moving forward. I’m a new follower of your blog and I’m already addicted to your recipes! I’m sure your kitchen gets messy quickly, I know that mine does.
Keep marking off that to do list! susieQTpies
Thanks. It does seem like we are all busy and yet we all keep at it to get it done. Slowly that to do list will get done. And I am glad to know my kitchen is not the only messy one. 🙂
We get a copy of that magazine from preschool so I look forward to reading it. I can send you my copy if you would like it.
Thanks for offering to do that. Scholastic offered to send me a few copies after they saw my post, so I won’t need any more. Thanks so much for the offer though!