Today for Everyday Adventures you are getting a little bit of everything.
My daughter and I recently went for a walk around our property. We have lost quite a few trees over the last few years and we have cleared some paths through the woods so we walked to a few areas that I had never been to before. It was fun to explore the property through the eyes of one of my kids that have spent hours exploring it.
Friday night is pizza night at our house. I have been working on a new gluten free pizza crust and I think I almost have it perfected. I will be sure to share the recipe as soon as I do.
Taco salad is one of my favorite meals to serve company or a crowd. It is easy to make and can easily be adjusted to everyone’s tastes and needs. I took everything above to my husband’s office recently for a staff lunch. It was all the makings for taco salad, plus my mom’s coconut bars for dessert.
My daughter recently crocheted this blanket for a baby gift. She has so much talent when it comes to crochet and this blanket turned out so cute!
It might be a sign that all three kids play the piano when you have a picture like this on your iphone. Yes, instead of pictures of modern cd’s and artists, we text pictures of Haydn’s Greatest Hits. 🙂
The story behind this is that my oldest daughter is working on a piano piece by Haydn. My other daughter and I found this cd at a used book sale. We sent her a picture of the back of it to see if she wanted it. Of course she did and we spent a whole $2 on it.
Sometimes I take food photos out on our back deck. Some days the lighting is just better outside on the deck and I take advantage of it.
Last week I took some cookies out there to photograph them. I will share the recipe soon, but as I was going through pictures for the post I realized that there is a down side to using the deck for photos.
Do you see that little white dot on the right between the boards. Anyone know what that is?
If you have teen boys, or really any boys, you may know exactly what it is. It is an AirSoft BB. And they are currently all over our deck. I guess I will have to be more careful when taking pictures outside. If you notice little white dots in the background of my pictures you now know what they are.
And I am glad that they are all outside on the deck and not inside in the carpet. AirSoft BB’s and carpet do not go well together. Or maybe I should say that vacuums and AirSoft BB’s do not go well together!
I hope you all have a great weekend!
The little white dot made me laugh! One of my boys used to have his younger brother pick up the air soft bbs since he used to like “collecting” little things in a tractor he had, but he soon got savvy that he was being worked and refused to do his brother’s dirty work! It is years later and my older son is still happily using the air soft gun, but we too have those little bbs on our deck, our yard, everywhere, in neon orange, red, and white.
I think I am going to be finding those little bb’s for a long time! And I knew some of my readers would understand exactly what I meant about those bb’s. 🙂
I recognized that white dot in a heart-beat…lol!! I have 3 boys, and I have found those everywhere!! And, yes, the vacuum and the bb’s are not compatible!
I enjoy your everyday adventures post a lot. Keep it up!
Also, your daughter did a fabulous job on that blanket! Wow…I’m 41 and couldn’t do that….well, I suppose if I learned MAYBE I could! 🙂
Oh the struggle with those darn little BB’s…they are ALL over my house, deck, yard, EVERYWHERE!!!!! I have 2 teenage boys plus all the cousins and friends around who declare airsoft wars almost daily and my porch and living room seem to be the -reloading stations. I’ve threatened a hundred times to throw every last bottle of those away if I see one more on the floor in the house but that doesn’t work. Oh well, time doesn’t slow down so I’ll just enjoy these remnants of days of fun as long as i can. I’m sure I’ll still be cleaning them up when they’re all off to college….