It is time for another Everyday Adventures. It is actually past time to share an Everyday Adventures post. The last one I shared was right after Thanksgiving.
If you are new here Everyday Adventures is where I share information, updates, family life, products that I love, and more. It is basically all the stuff that I don’t have time to share in other places or on social media.
It is my way to share a little bit of my life outside of just food with you.
I have a shirt that says Be Still. I have worn it often in the last year. It is the reminder that I need right now. One of my goals for 2021 is to stop and be still more often.
I want to stop and enjoy the sunrises and the sunsets. I want to step back from the chaos and focus more on the important things in life. The last year has taught me to appreciate the small things. It has taught me that I need to stop and be still more often.
2020 also turned me into a plant person. Years ago I had a lot of plants. Then I had kids. Life got busy and my plants took a backseat. As in I killed them all…
However, in 2020 I felt the need to make our house more homey. Is homey even a word? Hopefully you get the idea though.
Because we were staying at home more I wanted to change up things without spending a lot of money. Plants were the perfect thing for me to add to our house.
Now I just need to keep them all alive…
I took a break during the holiday from sharing our dinners over on Facebook.
You all love seeing a real life look into my kitchen. As in a nonstaged, this is what we really ate, picture. My dinner posts are some of my most popular posts. So I am trying to get back in the habit of taking pictures of our meals to share.
If you want to see more of my everyday cooking be sure to follow along on my Facebook page. I think I will occasionally do a round-up of them in a post here too. Maybe a once a month post. What do you think? Should I share some real-life, nonstaged, this is what we are eating posts?
I have been blogging for well over ten years and I finally got my husband to do a guest post.
He shared twenty books he read in 2020 over on our book site. My oldest daughter also did a guest post about what she read in 2020.
I also shared twenty books I read and Grace, my daughter in college, shared her list of twenty books a college student read in 2020.
It is fun to have all the family posting over on our book site.
Longtime readers may remember when I used to share more about our dogs. I have a post from years ago about getting rid of skunk smell when your doge gets sprayed by a skunk. For years it was one of the most popular recipes on my site. Yes, a skunk post was the most popular post on a food website…
Last week we lost one of our dogs. I have shared many pictures of her over the years. She was sixteen years old. She lived a good long life which makes it easier and harder. She was older so it was not unexpected. But she was part of the family.
We got her at an animal shelter years ago when my kids were little. They named her Dale because at the time they loved to watch the old Dale Evans and Rog Rogers movies. And yes, we also had a dog at the time named Roy too. That is what happens when kids names dogs. 🙂
She was a great dog for our kids and she will be missed!
Losing a dog is never easy, but thankfully we have two “quarantine” dogs that are keeping us busy. We are calling them quarantine puppies because we got them back in March.
We knew Dale was getting older and it was a good time to get them since everyone was at home to help take care of them.
The picture above is an older picture of them. I am kind of wishing they were still this small because now it is almost impossible to get a picture of them together. They are much bigger and much more active. Why can’t puppies stay little and cute. 🙂
That catches you up a little bit on life at our house. I hope you have a great weekend!
So funny about the skunk post being a top post! I would have thought the chocolate pudding or peanut butter baked oats! My almost 16 year old terrier mix had a visit from a skunk a couple of months ago. She never saw it,as she has poor eyesight and never looked around. After doing her morning duty, a skunk nudged her from behind 3 times before she safely made into the house. My husband was watching from the back door, and quickly let her in. So grateful the skunk was kind and didn’t bite or spray her!
We lost our dog last year. It was very hard. No more dogs for us. It’s too difficult when they pass