I hope you had a great 4th of July!! We enjoyed that delicious peach cobbler with homemade ice cream. I will share both recipes next week.
We actually had a quiet 4th of July. Which was perfectly fine with me. We had some friends over Sunday night for food, fun, and a few fireworks, but the actual 4th was a stay at home and relax kind of day for us.
If you get my gluten free newsletter you probably already know that my daughter has been dealing with some new food allergies. If you are gluten free and not getting my gluten free newsletter, you need to be. I share all kinds of gluten free information that I don’t share here on my site.
My daughter with the tree nut and peanut allergy started reacting to something new about two months ago. After a few trips to the allergist and a few more reactions, we think we have it narrowed down to a specific pitted fruit. Pitted fruit allergies run in the family, so we hope it is just the one pitted fruit and not a bunch of them.
My family has some crazy allergies. Oh the stories my sisters and I could tell about the allergies our kids and us have. The allergy gene runs strong in our family. At times it is overwhelming, but I step back take a deep breath and we adjust. Because when the allergy life gets overwhelming I just have to remind myself it could be worse. So much worse. Living with food allergies is a pain at times, but so many people deal with much worse health problems. It is all about keeping life in perspective.
I will say though that the allergy life and medical problems in general have made us more aware of what we eat and what we put into our bodies. What we put into our bodies matters more than we realize. I could do without the allergy issues, but the journey towards a healthier life that those allergies has forced us to, has been worth it.
This picture is not healthy, except that cooking from scratch at home is usually healthier than other options.
I went to the peach orchard last week for our annual trip to get peaches. We love fresh from the orchard peaches. And a few cooler than normal days meant that I actually turned on my oven to bake a few things with the peaches.
So far we have had peach cobbler, peach muffins, peach bars, and peach ice cream. I will share the recipes soon!
That pan of chocolate candy in the picture was full. Full. By the time I took this picture there was six left. Six. All I can say is teens. Especially a specific teen boy that eats and eats and eats…
This is a close up of the candy that my kids loved. I will share the recipe soon. It is not the prettiest candy, but it was so good!
I don’t talk about it often, but I have used and loved Young Living since 2013. One of the ways I use them is in cooking. A drop or two of Peppermint Vitality Oil in chocolate desserts is amazing! You can’t get that kind of flavor from an extract.
The more I use them in cooking the more I love them! Want more information on how I use them in cooking just email me at [email protected]. I would love to share with those interested. You can also follow me on Instagram at Oily Kitchen Adventures.
Now let’s talk books because they are another one of my favorite topics.
A relaxing 4th of July meant that I had time for some reading. I recently finished The Heart Mender and With Love, Wherever You Are. Both are WWII novels based on real life stories. Both were so good!
I am not a huge novel reader. I prefer non-fiction, but both of these books will probably make it on my top books of the year list. If you are looking for some summer reading I think you will enjoy these. The ebook versions have both been on sale this week too and I doubt the sale price will last long.
Hope Heals has been on my to read list for awhile. I think I need to move it to the top of my list now that the ebook is on sale. Have you read it? I would love to hear what you think if you have.
That was very rambling Everyday Adventures post, but that is why I love these posts. It is a fun way to share some of my everyday life with you.
I hope you have a great weekend!
How do you like your mini-muffin tins, Lynn? I have been eyeing that same one all week, wondering if it was worth the purchase 🙂
I love USA Pans!! Below are a couple of links where I have talked about them. They are my favorite baking pans and I am slowly replacing all my baking pans with them. The mini muffin pan is one of the more recent ones that I have bought. I love the way things bake in them and I love how easy clean up is. I know they are more expensive, but I think they are worth it.I hope that helps. https://www.lynnskitchenadventures.com/2013/09/usa-pans-and-why-i-love-them.html and https://www.lynnskitchenadventures.com/2016/03/a-few-of-my-favorite-things-march.html
Super helpful! Thanks, Lynn!