This picture is of the recipe that I was going to share yesterday. I had it scheduled to go up yesterday morning, but as sometimes happens in the world of technology things did not work correctly and the post did not go up at the scheduled time.
Which honestly did not surprise me because it has been one of those weeks. I had to leave the house early yesterday morning and did not turn on my computer until later in the day, so I did not realize that it did not go up as planned. The good thing is that I now have a recipe all ready to share with you next week.
That is a good thing because I have not had a lot of time for writing this week. I guess it all worked out in the long run. 🙂 So look for that recipe Tuesday. Hopefully it will go up as planned this time.
We did manage to fit in our Saturday morning pancakes last week. After a few really busy weeks I was glad to get back to doing it.
We have been doing Saturday morning pancake breakfasts for years. It is one of my favorite family traditions and I miss it when we are not able to do a big family breakfast on Saturdays.
I also managed to make it to our new Costco and to Trader Joe’s this week.
Yes, Oklahoma just got it’s first Trader Joe’s a few months ago and our first Costco last week. Both stores are less than an hour from me and I am so excited. I will share more about both trips soon. I had to really control myself at both stores so that I did not completely ruin my grocery budget.
And thank you all for your suggestions on what to buy at Trader Joe’s. There were so many great ideas!
I think my family has finally decided that coloring is fun. Or at least some in my family have decided that.
I have never been into coloring. I did not like it as a kid and have not really understood the current adult coloring trend. None of my kids loved to color as kids either. My girls would do it, but they did not really love it.
However there are several coloring ebooks in the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle and I printed out a few of the pages. I set them out with some coloring pencils on a table.
At first my kids were like, what are those for, but I left them out and slowly they started coloring them. And they have actually had fun coloring them. It has become a group project of sorts.
I still have some out on a table in our living room and my girls occasionally stop and color a little bit. I am so glad that I printed them out!
Have you seen the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle? If you haven’t be sure to take a look at it. These coloring ebooks are just a few of the great products in the bundle.
I love planners and notebooks and I am excited to start using these. They came as one of the bonus offers in the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle. The stickers will be perfect for my planning pages.
And here is a look at an ebook project I have been working on.
I am so excited about this ebook. I have been working on this ebook for while and it is almost ready. I love sharing gluten free recipes that are quick, easy, and delicious. This ebook is full of my favorite gluten free desserts. I will have more details soon, but I couldn’t wait to show the cover to you.
I hope you all have a great weekend!
I loved coloring as a kid, and I love colored pencils now. My kids bought me a cheap adult coloring book (most are overpriced), and it is fun for me. I’ve seen a lot of anti-coloring blog articles lately, but I think they are a bit over the top in characterizing the whole trend as evil. My coloring book has animals and plants, not mandalas. It’s not a spiritual exercise for me, just something relaxing to do when I have a few minutes of free time.
I have never been an arts and crafts type person. I have done some things, but never really stuck with anything. I think that is why I don’t find it relaxing. I find other things like reading relaxing. I say if coloring relaxes you, do it. That is why I am glad my girls have actually enjoyed it. They are both pretty type A perfectionists, so I think it is a good way for them to relax. We all need to do those occasional things that we find relaxing. I have seen some great pictures on social media of inspiration quotes etc. that people have colored and I think they look great. I have not read the anti coloring blog posts and I am kind of glad I have missed those. 🙂
I am not really a crafty person, but I do like art. Reading is my favorite thing to do, though. 🙂
I have always loved coloring with my kiddos, but I just purchased the homemaking bundle and I look forward to printing some of those coloring pages out.
I live in Utah and I know there is a Trader Joes in Salt lake. I have been meaning to go for a couple years now, I really like reading their flyers they send out about their products for some reason (I guess it could be because they are very funny and it appeals to the foodie in me). I am also excited to read about your trip there! How exciting about your e-book, I am not gluten free but I have done some gluten free baking to see if it helped my son and your blog was so helpful to me! It made me really enjoy gluten free baking and cooking 🙂
Have a great weekend Lynn~
I hope you enjoy the bundle! I am spending time today looking through the organizing section of it. I also hope to start the Craftsy class that was one of the bonus offers. I think my daughter and I are going to do one of the cooking ones, but I might let her choose which one we do. My kids are loving the coloring ebook with all the animals in it. And I am so glad that you enjoy my gluten free tips and recipes. I love helping people make gluten free easier. I will do a whole post on Trader Joes soon. I hope you have a great weekend too!