I am changing up Everyday Adventures a little bit. I am not changing it a lot, but I want to follow more of a basic plan each week. I will share what I am cooking, what I am loving, what I am reading, and highlight a few things form the archives that often get buried. It will still be a lot of everyday life stuff, but in a more regular format.
I also want it to be more than just about me. I want to include information that will help you each week. I decided to add a what I am loving feature where I will highlight things I am loving and using. I hope these are changes that you enjoy.
What I Am Cooking
- We have been grilling a ton. Hamburgers, sausages, hot dogs, chicken, and more. I love grilling this time of year because it is quick, easy, and doesn’t heat up the house.
- I have been working on some new baked oatmeal recipes. I love changing up my basic recipe to come up with more versions. I will be sharing those this fall.
- My son loves my freezer burritos and he finished the last of them off recently. I think it is time to restock the freezer with them.
What I Am Loving
- I discovered these Premier protein bars about six months ago and I love them! They actually taste good, which is not always the case with protein bars. They fill me up when I need a breakfast or lunch on the go. They have several flavors that are gluten free and one or two that are nut free. If you are looking for a protein bar you might want to try these.
- Our hammock is one of the best outdoor furniture purchases I have made. I was texting with a friend about it the other day. We love it and use it a ton. I bought it on Amazon a few years ago and we have gotten our money’s worth out of it. I love to read in it and my kids love it too. What I love about it most though is that when I am outside reading my kids often come out and sit in it with me and just talk. The kind of talk that is hard to get kids, especially teens to do. There is something about a hammock that is relaxing and fun. Everyone enjoys it. This is the one we have and it has help up well. I love that it comes with a frame instead of hanging it between two trees.
- I am still recovering from the car accident I had last month. I am better, but not 100% and this week I was feeling it. I have been going to the chiropractor twice a week since the accident and have been using a ton of these three products below. I love them. You can buy them as a retail customer, but wholesale is the better deal. Let me know if you are interested and I will share why I love them so much.
What I Am Reading
My reading life has suffered this summer. I had hoped to really tackle my to read pile and that did not happen. I recently took this stack of books on a short vacation trip and pretty much didn’t get any of them read.
I have managed to read a few books this summer and several of them were really good!
- Martha Washington by Patricia Brady- I really enjoyed this book.
- The Heart Mender by Andy Andrews- I loved this WWII story because it is a little different than others that I have read. If you love WWII books I think you will like this one.
- I am also reading this book right now. I think it is the book everyone that uses essential oils should read. It is written by a pharmacist and is a great balance of conventional and natural medicine. There is so much misinformation out there about essential oils. I feel like this book is a great common sense approach with science to back it up.
From the Archives
- 1 year ago- Tortilla Pizza
- 2 years ago- Gluten Free Dairy Free Banana Bread
- 3 years ago- Mom’s Creamy Lemon Pie
- 4 years ago-Peanut Butter Oatmeal Breakfast Cookies
- 5 years ago- Lemonade Raspberry Smoothie
Places You Can Find Me
- My main Facebook page and my main Instagram where I share all things food related.
- My gluten free Facebook Page and my gluten free Instagram where I share all kinds of tips and recipes to make gluten free eating easy and delicious!
- From Our Bookshelf where my daughter and I share all about what we are reading! You can also follow us on Facebook and Instagram
- And my newest project Oily Kitchen Adventures! If you love essential oils be sure to follow along on Instagram and Facebook.
I read Andy Andrews book The Noticer. So good! I’ve been so bad at being consistent blogging. I’ve been working posts from our NeW York trip but it’s been slow going. I need to take some time to keep re-evaluating things because I do love blogging just feel like I’m in a funk.
Glad you’re starting to feel better. I love essential oils and we use them for a variety of things. We got started on them when our oldest daughter had ACL surgery!
I read The Noticer and enjoyed it too. I think I liked this one a little better though. I need to read more of his books! I think summer had many of us off schedule. I love summer, but am ready for more of a regular routine and schedule.