Thank you so much for those of you that took time to answer my survey last week about continuing my Everyday Adventures series. I really appreciate it. It helped me a lot on deciding if I should keep the series or not.
Thank you also to those of you that left comments on Facebook and for the emails. They mean a lot. Thank you for taking them time to comment and email!
The results of the survey was that 96% of those that took it want me to continue my Everyday Adventures on Fridays. That is a big majority and tells me that most of you enjoy reading a little bit about my everyday life outside of food and the kitchen.
Now, I know that is also means that 4% of you don’t enjoy those posts. 4% of you is not a lot, but it is still readers that I care about and don’t want to lose. I am hoping that those of you that don’t enjoy those posts will keep reading my site and following along on my kitchen adventures. I hope you will continue reading and will just scroll by my everyday adventures posts and emails that you don’t enjoy.
Time wise for me I am not sure I will keep it up every Friday, but most Fridays, or at least a few times a month, I will still be sharing my Everyday Adventures posts.
Now for this week’s adventures!
It has not been a good year for our fruit trees. Several severe storms and a late freeze was rough on them. But we did manage to get a few apples off two of our trees.
Last week I made fried apples. Can I just say that I love fried apples! So good!
I was so excited to have enough apples to finally make them. Two of my kids however were not as excited. In fact, they announced at the table that they did not like fried apples. To which my husband, oldest daughter, and I were like,
What?! How can you not like fried apples?!
Fried apples are pretty much apples, sugar, and butter. But if they don’t like them that just leaves more for those of us that do enjoy them. 🙂
Several years ago I did a post on What is the Beast Gluten Free Pasta. In that post I mentioned that I loved Heartland Pasta. I also mentioned that I had not found a gluten free lasagna noodle that I loved.
Over the last couple of years many of you have said that you loved Heartland Lasagna. The problem was I couldn’t find it. Several Walmart stores near me carry Heartland Gluten free pasta, but none had the lasagna. That is until last week!
I was looking for something else and when I spotted the Heartland lasagna I was so excited that I put three boxes in my cart. It was not on my list and I don’t know when I will make it, but I can’t wait to try it. I will keep you updated on how we like it.
I finished two books last week. Two totally different books but both very good! Eat That Frog was a great read. Lots of good reminders to tackle hard things first. It is going on my must read list for my teens. Great time management info.
I picked up the first four books in the Mitford series at a used bookstore last time I was in Oregon. I recently read the first one and I loved it. I kind of felt like it was Anne of Green Gables for adults. Now I am afraid I will spend way too much time finishing the series… Forget binge watching tv, for me it is books. A series with 9 books can be dangerous time wise for me!
We have new floors!! I feel like it has taken forever to get our house back to normal after our water leak back in July. The reality is that it has not taken forever, but sometimes it feels that way since it is now September…
We do have our flooring back in. We still have a few minor things to get fixed and back together, but there is an end in sight. I am thankful for that. Hopefully after today all the work will be done and we can get everything back together and back to normal this weekend. I can’t wait.
I think my kids are enjoying the gluten free cookie project I am working on. I mean really taste testing 30+ cookie recipes over the last few months has been a though job but some how they have managed it. And they have done it all without complaining.
I hope you have a great Labor Day weekend!
Your new floors are gorgeous! I’m glad everything is getting back to normal. Home repairs are the worst!
Thank you! I love the floors and am glad to be getting back to normal. I agree home repairs are no fun!
Those floors are beeeeeautiful. Fried bananas are also delicious! Butter, cinnamon, sugar, slightly overripe bananas. YUM.
Thank you! I love the floors and am so glad to be done with all of it. 🙂 And yes fried bananas are so good as well. We love fried bananas over ice cream!
I missed your survey, but am very glad the majority voted yes for continuing the Everyday Adventures series as I really enjoy them!
I loved the Mitford series, although there were a few that I didn’t care for at all in the series. Have you read the books by Helen Simonson – Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand and The Summer Before the War? I loved the first and am currently reading the 2nd and enjoy her writing and the stories/setting/characters so much.
Floors look beautiful!
Thank you! I love these posts, so I am glad my readers do as well. I can’t believe it took me so long to discover the Mitford series. I have heard about it, but didn’t realize that it was so popular. I have heard of Major Pettigew but never read it. I will have to add it to my list.