These muffins were so good! Look for the recipe coming soon!
I posted this picture of my fridge on Instagram earlier this week, but I decided to keep it real and share it here too.
Because I like to keep it real and make you all feel better, I will totally admit that last night my husband ate something long past the date it should have been eaten. I didn’t realize it until he had seconds. Let’s just say I was very thankful that he woke up perfectly fine this morning and not sick. My ultra organized oldest daughter got the job of totally cleaning out the refrigerator today because obviously I have been bad at it. We will not talk about a few of the things she found…. I hope that makes you feel better about the state of your fridge. I doubt it could be worse than mine. Just keeping it real for you!
Please tell me I am not alone on the whole cleaning out the fridge thing. It really is one of my least favorite jobs…. And the above picture was taken after my daughter cleaned it out. I didn’t think to take one until she was done.
She did such a good job I think I will delegate it to her more often. 🙂
My daughter found some freeze dried raspberries in the cupboard that no one was eating. She decided to use them in some chocolate bark. She melted chocolate and white chocolate and then stirred in the freeze fried raspberries. She spread it on a cookie sheet, refrigerated it, and broke it into pieces.
It was so good! Not exactly the healthiest way to eat the raspberries, but they were delicious covered in chocolate.
I shared my new favorite series on our book website. My daughter also shared her January reads. If you are curious what my teenage daughter is reading you can check out the list. I am pretty sure her list is a little different than most teenagers.
If you love reading or are looking for teen book recommendations be sure to sign up for our weekly book newsletter. We love to share all kinds of book reviews and information.
I hope you have a great weekend!
I shudder to think about the state of my refrigerator. I tend to keep the lower shelves fairly straight, but the upper shelf is higher than my head, so I’m sure there are some pretty scary things up there.
I might have to try that bark idea with a package of freeze dried strawberries that are just sitting in my pantry. I just knew hubby would like them in his morning cereal, but apparently he didn’t.
That is exactly why we had the freeze dried raspberries. I thought we would use them in granola, cereal, and things like that and no one really liked them. Cover them and chocolate and all the sudden everyone loves them. 🙂
Love the Charles Finch stories!
I am so glad to find someone else that loves that series! I am loving it. Very few people that I have talked to know about the series, so I love hearing that someone else knows and loves it!
They are very similar in tone to the Tasha Alexander “Lady Emily” series. Have you read those yet? We are packing to move very soon and I’m missing my library and chair time. Keeping a list of things to read once the dust settles a bit.
I have not heard of those. I will have to check them out. Thanks for the suggestion!
Thank you for keeping it real! My daughter and I cleaned out our fridge last week. We found quite a few “science experiments” growing in there. Hopefully now that it is clean and organized I can do a better job at using up leftovers instead of pitching them out.
Science experiments are a great way to describe some of the things that my daughter found. 🙂