I usually post all kinds of quick and easy dinner ideas, breakfast recipes like baked oatmeal, delicious desserts, and even some kitchen tips, but I will warn you that this post has nothing to do with food! It has to do with how to get rid of skunk smell.
Yes, you read that right, this post is about how I got rid of skunk smell in my house and on my dog.
Most days I love life in the country. One day last week though I was longing for the city. Today I am posting about something most of you will never need, in fact you probably really don’t want this information.
But I want to remember this information, so what better way to remember where the information is then to put it on my blog. And even if you do not need this information I am sure you will get a good laugh out of my story.
We woke up one night last week to our dog barking, more like yelping, quite loudly and wildly. A few minutes later we smelled a skunk. Well, that explained what he was mad at. But we went back to sleep forgetting about it.
Fast forward a few hours. I was awake, but still laying in bed and smelling the skunk smell wondering why, when my daughter came running in to the room yelling, ” Mom, Roy (our German Shepherd) has a skunk in his mouth and daddy is chasing him around the yard trying to get it away.”
I jumped out of bed to see if my husband needed help, really hoping that he didn’t! Well, he did get the skunk away from the dog, but what a mess. It turns out that Roy killed the skunk, but not before all three dogs had been sprayed. And from the smell of the inside of our house I assume a lot of other things outside got sprayed as well.
The entire house smelled horrible. And to make matters worse not only had our dog killed the skunk, all the dogs decided to play with the skunk, so skunk hair was all over the yard.
If you have never had this happen at your house, which I am assuming you have not, it is not pleasant. Not only did the inside of our house smell and the dogs smell, so did the dog house, the front porch, and the door mat on the front porch. All we could smell was skunk.
At this point I was wondering what in the world I was going to do. I knew I had to take care of the dog smell, but I was also wondering how I to get the smell out of my house.
I searched the internet and found a few things for both problems, but then I remembered a friend telling me about a solution you could make to use on animals that had been sprayed. I found the information and decided to give it a try. This is the information she gave me.
Mix together:
1 quart hydrogen peroxide
1/4 c baking soda
1 tsp liquid laundry soap or dish washing detergent
The first two ingredients from an alkaline peroxide that chemically changes the skunk essence into an odorless chemical. The soap breaks down the oily skunk essence an makes it more susceptible to the other chemicals.Chemicals in this formula are harmless and can be used on people, clothing and pets. Use immediately after mixing; do not store (it will expand and can burst a closed container.)
I made some of this up and put it in a spray bottle. I was careful as it was bubbly and I did not want it to explode. I sprayed the dogs down, hosed them off, and sprayed them down again. This worked really well. I could not believe how well.
We have had dogs sprayed in the past and used tomato juice and also tried something called skunk off. I think this was easier than those things and worked as well if not better.
It was not a fun job, the dogs were not at all pleased about being cleaned. It was also time consuming, but worth it. They smelled much better.
We moved the dog house away from the house and the smell got better. We also threw out the door mat. I decided it was not worth trying to save.
But my house was still awful smelling. I called my mom to tell her/complain about my day. I knew she would sympathize/laugh at me since she has spent most of her life living in the country.
Well, she had a great tip that an older lady told her years ago. Vinegar, good old vinegar. It can fix almost anything can’t it.
She told me to place vinegar in small bowls around the house and it would absorb the smell. I was not sure this would work, but I was willing to try. And do you know what it worked.
Now I am assuming it absorbed the smell, but it could be that the vinegar smell over powered the skunk smell. Either way vinegar smells better then skunk.
By the next day when I tossed out the bowls of vinegar you could not smell either the skunk or the vinegar so I think this trick really worked.
Update 2018: This how to get rid of skunk smell post has become one of the most popular posts on my site. I am so glad that people have found it so helpful. There are a lot of helpful comments and stories that readers have shared on this post so please take time to read through them as well.
A gallon of white vinegar (available at any market) will also neutralize skunk smell on an animal that has been sprayed. Of course he needs to be left outdoors to dry and you may need a second application depending on how much spray he was in direct line. Live on a ranch with large dogs (some of them dumb enough to get sprayed more than once) and we keep a 55 gallon drum of white vinegar that we bought from Costco on hand at all times! (Not really that’s a cowboy windy) But we do keep a couple of gallons on hand!
Thank you for the post on getting rid of skunk smell. I remember my dog once got sprayed by a skunk and we tried the tomato juice method as well. I hadn’t thought to use vinegar on some of the items the skunk sprayed, I will have to try that next time.
Hiw long dose it take to get rid of????
If you have a bare spot in your yard, dig up some dirt and rub it all over the area that has been skunked. Usually the eye area, top of head, snout and chest. I watched my dog trying to get left over skunk off the outside of her mouth and snout. She would rub her face on the ground. We had some tree stumps ground out and there was lots of dirt. When our other dog got skunked, we tried rubbing dirt all over her. It seemed to work great. But the dirt pile smelled a little like skunk afterwards. Thanks for the vinegar tip for the house. I didn’t know that.
Thank so much on the info to get rid of skunk smells. I live in a new 55+ community, love my home but as the fields as being turned into houses it seems we have invaded the skunks territory and they are taking revenge by shooting off on warm summer nights. I just had delivered a wicker patio set for my front porch and two days later a skunk shot off close to my house. The love seat’s pad is ruined (it can be replaced) and the wicker had a bit of a smell although it is airing out. I don’t think the set took a direct hit but as it is “all weather” and can get wet I am going to try your suggestion and see if it helps remove the smell faster. I have a little dog and have to walk her 4-5 times a day and yesterday every time we went out the door we wreaked of skunk, ugh, so the house has a residual smell and I am putting bowls of vinegar around. I have found that putting some vinegar in the washer also helps get the smell out of the clothes faster. Thank you so much for the tips!!
I am glad that you found them helpful! I hope your skunk problem goes away soon!
We have a beagle who must be a a slow learner since this the THIRD time. Used your one mixture ( soap, peroxide and baking soda) on the dog and the vinegar and water on our rug. We’ve used the vinegar in bowls to absorb the smell in the house. We found this has worked better than the commercial products.
My boyfriend tried this. I don’t know if he didn’t do it right or what but we have also tried tomato juice and the dog still stinks and it been two days. I’m open for suggestions. Thank you
Oxi Clean laundry detergent and vinegar ( on dog) did it! Also use vinegar bowls all over the house with lavender bath salts in it all over the house.
Ugh 😑Doberman thought he had a new friend!!!
Thank You you saved my life, I have two dogs and am 77yrs old live alone, THANK YOU, You are am Angel!!!!
Have used this more than once and I let my friends know about it when their animal is skunked. We live out in the middle of nowhere and anything can happen. No nasty snakes but we do have wolfs, bears and coyotes and Martians a very large weasel.
I had to laugh when I saw this post because I knew what had happened were doing. We however haven’t had the dog run around with the skunk in its mouth. Forgot Porcupine quills are another matter especially when they are in the nose. The only thing you can do is have one or two people hold the dog down while 3rd uses pilers to pull out the quills.