Corn pudding is the perfect naturally gluten free side dish for Thanksgiving.
Corn pudding is a side dish that is often served in the south, and it just happens to be gluten free. You do not have to do any adapting to this recipe and I love that.
I will be making corn pudding this year to take to my in-laws for Thanksgiving. What gluten free side dishes will you be serving?
I just posted a corn pudding also…only mine was a wild rice spoonbread. I agree they are a great, gluten free holiday side dish. And really inexpensive too.
I will be cooking the whole meal! I cobbled together parts of three recipes to come up with a Dutch Apple Pie. I did a test run of it and everyone raved about it. Most of these people don’t eat gluten free so I consider that my biggest success for this year!. This is my second Thanksgiving since my diagnosis.
So, what’s the recipe? I want to make this for Christmas!
Here is the link. I try to use gluten free cornmeal when I make it.