Fresh corn on the cob is one of my favorite summertime dishes. I have loved it since I was a kid. We always grew corn in the garden when I was growing up, and my sisters and I looked forward to it every year.
My mom always just boiled the corn to cook it. This is a very easy and tasty way to cook it, but my family also enjoys grilled corn on the cob.
In the past, I had just grilled the corn with a little butter, but I have read several recipes over the last few years that grilled the corn wrapped in bacon. I have always wanted to try it and this year I finally did.
Can I just say that bacon makes everything better, doesn’t it? Less healthy, but better.
My husband said this was the best corn on the cob that he had ever had. It really was that good. Not only was it that good, this was really easy.
Here is what I did.
Remove the husk from the corn.
Wrap each piece of corn in bacon. It usually takes 1 piece of bacon per ear of corn.
Wrap each ear of corn in foil.
Grill over medium to medium low flame for about 10-13 minutes or until tender.
The corn cooked like this is really good, but I thought the bacon had an odd texture. I did not eat mine, however the rest of the family put their bacon on their hamburgers. and they said it was really good.
Serve and enjoy!
This post linked to Ultimate Recipe Swap.
I’ve seen this recipe several times lately and I want to try it. It makes me a bit nervous (LOL) because, growing up in Indiana, corn on the cob is served with just butter and salt. But, as you said, bacon makes everything better!! We get terrible corn on the cob here in Hawaii but I’m going to save this recipe for next year when ew’re back on the mainland.
Lynn – What a beautiful food blog you have here! It’s stunning.
I made bacon the other day, and was (no joking) seriously going to post a Facebook status along the lines of “why does bacon make everything taste better?” It really does!
My mom loves to make corn on the cob and loves to wrap stuff in bacon, too, but I don’t think she’s ever tried this. Will pass it on!
Oh, I love corn grilled with bacon! We take the silk out, then soak the corn in the husk for a little while, then wrap the bacon around, and tie the husk closed around it. It is always a hit!
We’ve done this before on the grill and it is such a hit! I hope you’ll share recipes on our link up today!
Oh, my! This sounds fabulous! Trying all kinds of new recipes, since we finally got a grill. 😀
Thank you for sharing!
Oh my word! I haven’t heard of this before but lord I don’t know why not! We love bacon!!!
very neat idea 🙂
To be honest, I’m not sure I would love this. But my husband would!!! 🙂
Yummm-o! Great idea! Visiting from WFMW…
I’ve never heard of this before. Can’t wait to try it!
oh my goodness! we have GOT to try this! THANKS for the idea!! How could anything be bad after being wrapped in BACON?
@Chef Dennis, I know, what can be bad wrapped in bacon?! Well, a few things could be, but it works so well with the corn.