I have mainly focused this site on gluten free, nut free baked goods, tips, and ideas. However, if you have been gluten free or nut free for long then you know that there is a lot more to gluten free/nut free cooking than just breads, muffins, and desserts. It involves a whole change in how you cook.
When I was first gluten free I was overwhelmed with what I could no longer have. However, after almost of year of being gluten free, I have realized that many of our favorite main and side dishes can still be served.
Some of them I have had to adapt, but others did not need adapting at all.
Many of these main and side dish recipes that I have been making for years are on my main site, so I thought I would start highlighting some of those recipes here on my allergy site. I plan to share any changes that I have made to adapt them to our gluten and nut free diet.
This recipe today that I am highlighting is a quick and easy dinner idea. Not only is it quick and easy, all I had to do to make it gluten and nut free was to use gluten free soy sauce in it. My whole family loves this Ground Beef Fried Rice and I have made it many times over the last year.
(I do however need to get a better picture of it. My picture taking skills have gotten better over the last year. 🙂 )
We love fried rice at our house. I prefer to use steak or chicken though. It is the perfect way to use up leftover rice, meat and veggies too. And I know what you mean about the picture, not all foods are photogenic 🙂
Thanks for posting the recipe – I can’t wait to try this out.