If you read my main site then you know that I was on vacation for two weeks visiting family in Oregon. I had planned on posting here in my allergy section earlier this week, but life was a little crazy for us this last week trying to catch up from being gone. I was behind on everything from laundry to paperwork and I felt like I was playing catch up all week.
I have a few new gluten free recipes that I hope to share soon, but for today I wanted to share a few recipes that my sister made for us while we were in Oregon.
My sister’s family deals with quite a few food allergies and also has several in her family that eat gluten free. Her family deals with more food issues than we do, which makes it hard for her. The good thing for us though is that my family gets it. They are used to food allergies and understand how careful we have to be. It makes eating while visiting them so much easier.
And since my sister has several in her family that eat gluten free, it makes it so much easier for us to eat gluten free when visiting everyone.
My sister made a couple of really good gluten free desserts while we were in Oregon that I knew I had to share with you.
The ice cream pie pictured above is a dessert that she brought to our family get together on the 4th of July. She made it with the kids in mind, but I think the adults may have actually eaten more of it than the kids. It was so good!
And I loved the gluten free crust she made for it. The crust could be used for so many different pies and it is really easy to make. If you are looking for a fun summertime dessert her ice cream pie is one you should try.
She also made some brownies that were so good. Now, these are not nut free, but since I can have nuts, I had to try a bite of them. These brownies are so rich and fudgey. They have great flavor and are a brownie no one would know was gluten free. So, if you are gluten free and can have tree nuts, you should give these brownies a try.
Hopefully next week I will be back to posting as normal. I have some delicious muffins that I hope to share and a few tips for traveling gluten free.
I’m so glad you enjoyed the brownies and ice cream pie! It’s nice to be able to find recipes that work for entertaining and also happen to be gluten-free.