If you need an easy and delicious gluten free cookie mix, I am sharing my thoughts on the King Arthur Gluten Free Cookie Mix.

I want to start by saying that King Arthur Baking Company has no clue who I am. They did not sponsor this post. I paid for the mix myself and am sharing my honest review.
Homemade cookies are one of my favorite things to make. I love to make them and I love to eat them.
I also love to experiment with all kinds of different gluten free cookie recipes.
I have a gluten free chocolate chip cookie that we love. I also have a gluten free double chocolate cookie recipe, a gluten free brownie cookie recipe, a gluten free peanut butter cookie, and so many others.
You might wonder why I tried a gluten-free cookie mix when I love homemade cookies.
The reality is that gluten-free baking is not always quick and easy. It can be overwhelming to many people, especially those who are new to gluten-free.
I want to help make gluten-free, easy, and delicious for everyone.
I can do that by reviewing gluten-free products. I want to help you find great gluten-free products so that you do not waste your money on products that are not worth it.
Last week, I went to a new grocery store in our area. When I saw this, King Arthur Gluten Free Cookie Mix, I was curious and knew I wanted to try it.
To be honest, I was skeptical. I have tried many gluten-free mixes over the years, and many were not worth the money.
We have had mixed thoughts on the King Arthur gluten-free mixes. Some of them we love, but others have not been our favorites.
I was not sure what the cookie mix would be like.
I am happy to say that we really liked the cookies. I was surprised at how good they were.
I still like homemade gluten-free chocolate chip cookies better, but for a mix, these were good.
I think this mix would be great for someone new to gluten-free baking or for someone who is not gluten-free but needs to bake something for a gluten-free family member or friend.
I also think it would be a great mix when baking with kids.
They were really easy to make.
You use the mix plus one egg, butter, water, and chocolate chips.
I just stirred it all together by hand and baked it as directed.
The dough turned out well and baked up great.
Ingredients In King Arthur Gluten Free Cookie Mix
The ingredients in the gluten free cookie mix are pretty standard. It contains rice flour, oat flour, sugar, molasses, salt, baking powder, baking soda, cornstarch, vanilla, xanthan gum, etc.
The gluten free cookie mix is certified gluten free, however it does contain oats. Oats bother a lot of gluten free people, so if you have to avoid or limit your oats this mix may not be for you.
I would love to hear your thoughts on the King Arthur Gluten Free Cookie Mix.
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