Today’s kitchen essential is a simple one.
You can easily find it for around ten dollars at almost any store that sells kitchen and housewares type items. Yet, this item makes a big difference in your kitchen and how your food will taste.
It is a simple pepper grinder.
If you have not tried fresh ground pepper you really should. It has so much more flavor than just buying the regular preground pepper that is used in most salt and pepper shakers.
This really is a simple and inexpensive item that adds so much flavor to your food.
What are your thoughts on pepper? Do you buy the preground kind or do you grind your own?
I love my pepper grinder. I’ve considered taking it on vacation but decided that was a little too obsessive.
We had a beautiful, tall Peugeot pepper grinder that unfortunately somehow found its way into our compost bin. I found it again when I was sifting through the compost. Didn’t want to risk contamination so I threw it away.
*sigh* I miss that Peugeot.
@Nate @ House of Annie, That would have made me sad too because those are really nice pepper grinders.
I love my pepper grinder. Rachael Ray is actually why I bought one. The preground pepper wasn’t doing it, and I envied the pepper grinder on RR shows, so I bought my own! And to karen, I *DO* take my pepper grinder on vacation! We stay in a house on the Oregon Coast for a week and everybody uses my pepper grinder. I fill it up before we leave, but this year I probably should have brought the extra peppercorns, because it was pretty depleted by the time we left!
I made the switch to a pepper grinder about a year ago and for the first time in my life I now like pepper!!! I try to get everyone I know to switch … there is absolutely no comparison!!
We love ground pepper at our house. We also love ground sea salt.
@Marisa, I have never tried doing ground sea salt, but I really need to. I hear it is also very good.
I love my pepper grinder. My husband bought it as a mistake and we’ve never gone back!
we got a pepper grinder as a wedding gift and i love it. we’re almost through with our preground pepper that my husband had prior to our marriage. i’ve bought a huge bulk container of peppercorns so it should last us awhile!
I use mine so much I should have muscles. I wish I had an electric peppermill.
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