We are starting the New Year with a totally non-food, but fun topic, for Ask the Readers. That topic is books.
I love to read. I am one of those people that often has four or five books going at the same time. Part of that is simply because I like to read, but it is also because I like a wide range of books.
I enjoy reading biographies, business, Christian, historical fiction, general history, and other topics as well. I often have one of each of those topics going at the same time.
A few years ago I did some posts on my reading goals and did a few update posts about what I had been reading with reviews of the books. I have gotten away from doing those, but I might bring them back occasionally this year. I like to hear what others are reading and you all seem to enjoy knowing what I am reading, so I plan to occasionally share some of that during the next year.
Today though I have a question for all of you. I usually start off the new year with a stack of books I hope to get through during the year, but this year I only have a couple of books on my list so far. I am hoping you all can help me with that.
Do you have any good books to recommend? I would love to hear what you all are reading or hope to read in the next year because I need some ideas.
Beth Moore has a few free kindle books on Amazon. I started reading Why Godly People Do Ungodly Things. Our church has currently gone through rough times with the past leadership doing ungodly things. I can’t wait to read this book.
I saw those too!! I can’t wait to read them.
The other book is Believing God for those interested. 🙂
I am currently reading The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls. It is a memoir.
Have you heard of goodreads.com? It’s a neat way to keep track of the books you are reading and see what your friends are reading. Have you read any books by Paul Sussman? I read one am looking forward to reading more of his. Some of the language is rather coarse. These is my Words by Nancy E. Turner was excellent, and it’s the first book in a trilogy. I also discovered 9 free Beth Moore ebooks (available at both amazon and bn). I found them yesterday, not sure how long they will be available. Interrupted: An Adventure in Relearning the Essentials of Faith by Jen Hatmaker was also an amazing book. What books are on your list to read this year?
I have been reading A Year of Biblical Womanhood. It’s been interesting to see her journey and think through some of the issues with her.
You must read ANYTHING by Tosca Lee. I am a HUGE fan of hers. She writes Biblical biographies. My favorite book of hers is Havah (the story of Eve). She has also written Iscariot (the story of Judas). Well worth the read. She is now working on her next novel about Queen of Sheba. Enjoy!
I only like non-fiction. It is like taking a vacation for me when I read. Currently I am reading “If I Live to be 100”. I just finished reading “The Delany Sisters’ Book of Everyday Wisdom”, “Having Our Say The Delany Sisters first 100 Years”, “Big Appetite My Southern Fried Search for the Meaning of Life”, “Leo Buscaglia Papa My Father”. These are books waiting to be taken back to the library to be recycled and sold at their book sale. I get them for pennies at these sales.
Over the Christmas week, when I had some time off to decompress, I read Union Street Bakery. Followed it up immediately by the second book Sweet Expectations. Loved them both! Like you, I usually have several books going at once. I also love listening to audio books during my daily commute. Currently reading Margin by Richard Swenson, Read It and Weep by Jenn McKinlay, Sycamore Row by John Grisham, The Spectrum by Dean Ornish, Sea Glass Island by Sherryl Woods and Teach Your Children Well by Madeline Levine. My TBR list was huge for 2013 and I’m putting together the list for 2014. Needless to say I love books.
I just started reading “The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane” (yes, that’s spelled correctly). Im not very far into it, but it’s a NY Times best seller so I have high hopes. 🙂
I just got done reading “off center” by Mark Cheatwood. The author’s wit was so entertaining, combined with shorter life-stories were perfect little bites to fit into my schedule. I also really enjoyed his honesty about his life – he is a Christian man, though a “real” one, with real struggles, and a deep love for his large family. Highly recommend it!
Thanks for the other recommendations here – my Amazon wishlist runneth over! 🙂
The Peacemaker by Ken Sande. I’ve recently started this and am learning so much about conflict resolution God’s way.
I am reading Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy who also wrote No Country For Old Men. Pretty rough story but I have read other books by him and they are worth it. What I meant by rough is the story is violent and bloody but that’s what the old west really was like even though it’s often romanticized.
I’m working my way through Kathy Reich’s Tempe Brennen series. It’s a must read for any reader that is a fan of the tv show, Bones. The cases are intriguing, the plot complex, and characters so richly created that they come alive off the pages.
I read a lot and a wide variety of books but the one that has really stuck in my mind is one called “The Reluctant Prophet” by Nancy Rue. I have a Kindle and it was one Amazon offered. I highly recommend it!
I kinda feel silly reading about all the books the other commenters are reading. I have so much reading I need to get done for homeschooling my kiddos, that I decided I wanted a bit of a “vacation” for my self…so right now I’ve been escaping to the fictional planet of Arrakis by reading Frank Herbert’s Dune (for like the millionth time). My husband bought me a set of paperback books for Christmas. Tolkien’s The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogy. I have the hardbacks, but because of arthritis in my wrist it is very difficult to hold them. Hubby knows I LOVE Tolkien, so he picked them up for me thinking they would be easier for me to read (again, for like the millionth time). I probably read Dune (and /or one of the sequels) and those four Tolkien books at least once a year. Guess I’m a creature of habit.
I’m reading “On the Island” by Tracey Garvis Graves for at least the 3rd time. I don’t normally pick up something again but it’s on my kindle and it’s just so good.
I love hearing what other people have read. My favorite reads from 2013 were Gone Girl and The Goldfinch. I started Divergent yesterday and almost finished – can’t put it down.
One Simple Change by Winnie Abramson and Meals That Heal Inflammation by Julie Daniluk. I’m trying to do a better job taking care of myself.
The Greatest Gift by Ann Voskamp and One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp are life changing books
I recommend The Holder’s Dominion by Genese Davis. It’s very engaging, has lush descriptions, and is available both in paperback and on Kindle.
I’m mostly prereading homeschool books for my 6th grade daughter but I’m really enjoying them! I’ve read A Single Shard, The Golden Goblet, and the Ides of April. I’m currently reading Peace Child that’s in my son’s 9th grade curriculum. I’m also reading Pathway to Freedom by Alistair Begg. It’s about the 10 commandments and their relevance today. And then I’m finishing up Timeless Stories which is a book of short inspirational snippets about various missionaries. So many books…too much laundry and dishes! 🙂
Anything from Regina Doman is so fun to read to my daughter. She loves them!
I am reading The Prayer Box. Definitely a good read.