The Make A Mix Cookbook is a classic cookbook that so many people have loved!
I purchased the Make A Mix Cookbook by Karine Eliason. In fact, I loved it so much that I now own both the older version published in 1978 and the newer updated one published in 2006.
I have read about this book in several places and have wanted to purchase it. I finally did and am excited to try many of the things in it. I think that this book will reduce the prepackaged items I purchase.
I have tried one recipe so far. It was the snack cake mix. I used some of the mix to make an applesauce cake. We really liked it. I look forward to trying more if it to make different cakes.
I would like to try the quick bread mix and the brownie mix next. I will keep you updated as I try more of the recipes. I will be able to give a better review of the book once I have tried more of the recipes in it.
The Make A Mix Cookbook is full of recipes. It includes main dishes, breakfast, bread, desserts, and more.
The newer edition includes a lot of the same recipes, but it also has quite a few new ones. If you love the old edition of the Make A Mix cookbook I think you will love the newer one as well.
After purchasing this cookbook my mom told me that she owned the original one years ago. I don’t remember her using the cookbook, but she said that she loved it and so did several of her friends.
I guess it was a very popular cookbook back when it first came out in the late 1970’s.
I have heard from many readers that love this cookbook. If you own the Make A Mix Cookbook what is your favorite recipe from it?
I have this book and I LOVE it. I use it all the time. The quick mix is fantastic! It makes the best drop biscuits when you’re in a hurry and need a bread. You can use it in any recipe calling for Bisquick. The snack cake mix is a good one too. I always have the pinto bean mix in my freezer in two cup baggies. I love this book and if it ever got lost I would go right straight to Amazon and buy another one!! You have made a very wise investment.
@Shannon, Hi Shannon, I have lost my make a mix cookbook and my kids want the brownie recipe. Do you have it? Thanks, liz
I need to try the quick mix recipe. I did not notice the pinto bean mix. I will have to look at that one. I think I am going to end up with quite a list of things to try from it. Thanks for letting me know how much you like it.
I forgot to add that I use half whole wheat in the Quick mix. Works great. The Italian cooking sauce is wonderful also. We like to use it as a pizza sauce. The slice and bake cookies work great too. I have the white sauce in my frig as I write. The french dressing mix, creamy crudite mix and the homestyle dressing mix are all wonderful. I never buy dressing anymore. The spaghetti, taco and chili seasoning mixes are all great as is the spanish rice. I make up 6 packets of each at a time and it sure does make dinner come together quicker. Anyway, I just pulled out my book and was looking through it so I thought I would let you know what all I like.
Thanks Shannon for the tips!
I checked out the Make a Mix book from the library a couple weeks ago and made up the Brownie mix. I didn’t write down the actual brownie recipe, as I expected to still have the book today when I needed to make the brownies for our VBS dinner that’s tonight.
However, I found out this morning that my husband returned the book to the library, so I don’t have the actual recipe to make the brownies.
Would you be able to email me the ingredients and the bake temp and time for the brownies from the Make a Mix book. Not the brownie mix (since I have it already made up), it’s the actual brownie recipe I’m looking for.
(And as for copyright concerns, the ingredients list of recipes are not copyrighted, so it wouldn’t break copyright to send just the ingredients.)
Thanks so much!
Joy, I just emailed it. I hope they turn out.
I bought both Make-a-Mix Cookery and More Make-a-Mix Cookery when these books were published by HPBooks for Eliason, Harward, & Westover. Since then, I have fallen into the easy way out, i.e., purchasing ready-made mixes, but, your points are well taken. It’s time to re-acquaint myself with them!
And, anyway, I remember how satisfying it was to see the containers of self-sufficiency on my shelves and to use my own homemade mixes. I loved knowing what was in them.
I got these books a few years after they came out. I used to use them alot back. I have used them off and on over the years but I’m just getting back into them. The Cubed Pork Mix that then you can make wonton from is one of my favorite, along with the Mexican Meat Mix. The Braised Beef Mix is another favorite and work exellent with venison instead of beef. I just made the Chicken Mix in the slow cooker las week using a 10lb bag of leg quarters, it was a tight fit in my 6qrt slow cooker and I used alot less water, but it wrked great in the long run. Awesome books, the Oatmeal Mix make the best Crisp desert called Peach Blossom Delight, it can be to rich for some, but not for me. I have a recipe from a book called Make Your Own Groceries (I think, I’m not at home writing this to look), that takes canned peaches (or any canned fruit), and turn it into pie filling, this comes in handy.
Thank you for sharing your favorites! I haven’ tried the cubed pork mix, but that sounds really good. I need to go back and look at that recipe. And I agree I have made the oatmeal mix and it is really good.
I got the 1978 version of this as a kid as part of a set of four HPBooks cookbooks for opening a bank account. The odd thing is that the first 16 pages were missing. I still got plenty out of it though – enough to cause me to purchase the sequel (More Make-A-Mix Cookery). Now, my kids have discovered it and my daughter wants to make what is on the cover. And there is the issue – I can’t figure out which recipe it is. The first page (missing) probably states what the cover is showing and the page number. And if it requires the Hot Roll mix as implied by the picture, that is on page 11 (also missing). Can anyone help me with this?
I am sorry that it took me so long to get back to you about the Make A Mix cookbook. I wrote this post way back in 2008. I totally forgot about the post and have not looked at it in a while. Your comment made me realize that it was time to update the post a little bit and add some pictures to it. Way back in 2008 I didn’t always put images in my post. I actually own the 1978 version that you said you own and the newer version from 2006. I pulled the cookbooks off the shelf and took a few pictures. I also looked to see what recipe was on the cover. The cover of my edition is in the post. If that is the recipe you are looking for it is the Swedish Cinnamon Twists on page 47. And yes it does use the Hot Roll Mix. So, I took a picture of the hot roll mix page and used it for one of my pictures in the post. It isn’t the best picture, but I think it is enough for you to get the recipe. I hope all of that helps you and your daughter.
The picture is just what I needed. Thank you very much. It looks like the Swedish Cinnamon Twists recipe is too complicated for her to do by herself, but should be a good co-project.
I lost the page 133 brownie recipe out of this amazing book!! Does anybody have it??
My family loves the tropical macaroons made with the cookie mix. My mom said they change the recipe with the newer edition but the tropical macaroons in particular turn out best with all white sugar in the cookie mix rather than half white half brown. They are delicious either way though.
Thank you for sharing that. I have not tried the tropical macaroons but they sound delicious!