I know I have been doing a lot of non recipe posts. Yes, they have to do with food or cooking, but they have not been recipe posts. I hope you don’t mind those posts.
I have been really busy lately and have not had a lot of time to do more than the basics. It seems like just when I think things are calming down, they get busy again. I have been baking a lot and I have tried lots of new recipes, I just haven’t had the time to sit down and post about them. Non-recipe posts are much easier for me to put together. So, I hope you don’t mind me writing a few quick tips, gardening posts, food ideas, or random thoughts once in a while. I do have a great recipe to post tomorrow.
Now onto my non recipe post for today.
Any guesses what was in my library bag this week? Cookbooks of course.
I checked out quite a few books this week. And yes, we do get books other than cookbooks from the library. Currently between my kids and I we have over 50 books checked out. But I figured that you would be most interested in the cookbooks that I checked out.
I was not overly impressed with any of these cookbooks. I usually find one or two cookbooks from the library that I really enjoy. This week I did not find any that I thought were really great.
I did find a few recipes in Giada DeLaurentiis Everyday Pasta book. Most of the recipes call for ingredients that I don’t keep on hand. But I did find a few recipes to try.
The Pizza cookbook had two recipes in it that I hope to try. One is for nacho pizza and one is for a deep dish cheeseburger pizza.
Baking Bootcamp by the Culinary Institute Of America was interesting to read and look at. The one recipe that caught my attention in it was a Brownie Cheesecake. It looks so good. I may have to try that one.
I was disappointed in the Patti Labelle cookbook. I checked it out because it claims to have recipes that are good for life in it. I thought it might give me some healthy eating ideas and tips. It may have some good recipes in it, but they call for her special seasonings and sauces. I don’t really know anything about Patti Labelle, so I did not know she has a line of food she sells. I think this cookbook is mainly about getting you to buy her line of spices, seasonings, and sauces.
I picked up a few food magazines also to read. I hope to do that in the next few days.
As always if I find anything really good, I will post about it.
What great cookbooks have you seen lately?
I also love to get cookbooks from the library! Usually after a quick look, I can decide NOT to buy it.
Thanks for sharing!
Your list looks yummy. LOL I’ll have to check out the Pizza one. The only one I have read before is the Small Batch Perserving, but I don’t can.
I love getting cookbooks from the library too. 🙂
I am horrible about actually using my cookbooks, I dont know why, I will go through and mostly get ideas, and then flip them into how our family likes to eat. usually my favorite cookbooks, are from local groups or organizations that “real” women have put together, with recipes and ingredients that we will actually use and like.
I hear Pioneer Women is coming out with a cookbook, and I am sure that will be amazing.
Oh love your non-recipe posts!
I don’t like recipes that have a bazillon ingredients. What did you thinking of the small batch preserving?
I see I’m not the only one who checks cookbooks out at the library!! I love doing that! I read them cover to cover like a book most of the time! 🙂
Amanda, small batch preserving was interesting but not a book I would buy. It was fun to look at and read info but it contained a lot of things I would never can or preserve. I keep things pretty simple when it comes to canning and preserving. I make basic jams and jellies and such. This book contained quite a bit of more unique recipes for marmalades and jams. Things that had mango and even lavendar in it. So, it depends on what you like wether you would like it or not.
I love to check out cookbooks, too. The only thing about cookbooks is I hate to have recipes using ingredients I wouildn’t normally buy.
You post about anything you want to and I’ll be here, I totally understand busy! The only cookbook I’ve made anything from lately is my Southern Living cookbook, and i’ll be using it again soon!!
I consider Alice Waters’ “The Art of Simple Food” an essential cookbook. I also really enjoy Ric Watson’s “The MediterrAsian way : a cookbook and guide to health, weight loss, and longevity, combining the best features of Mediterranean and Asian diets.” (Yes, the title does make the concept sound like a novelty, but the recipes are solid and the advice sound.) Look for recipes and other lifestyle tips from The MediterrAsian Way online if your library doesn’t carry the book.
I didn’t even know Patty LaBelle had a line of spices or a cookbook! I love checking out cookbooks from the library because if it is a dud, I didn’t waste any money on it!
Thanks for linking up this week!