Life As Mom is having a recipe swap today. The theme is your signature dish. I wasn’t going to participate in the recipe swap at first because I was not sure I really had one. But once I thought about it I think maybe I do. My Thick and Chewy Chocolate Cookies.
These cookies are so good and my Toffee Chocolate Pecan version of them did win me $1000 recently.
So, I guess that does kind of make them my signature dish. I have given these cookies to many people over the last few years and they are always a hit. I have included them when I have taken a meal to someone because kids always love them. My husband’s staff loves it when I make them, so did the construction workers. I have also taken some with me when I have had a haircut and now I am known as the “lady that makes those cookies.”
So, I do have a signature dish. If you have not tried my Thick and Chewy Chocolate Cookies or my Chocolate Toffee Pecan Cookies you really should. I think I am going to make some today.
Those look yummy! I will have to bookmark the Chocolate Toffee Cookies. I could so see myself having one (or two, or three….lol) with a cup of coffee in the afternoon! I am a cookie fanatic, love them all!D Thanks for sharing your signature dishes.
Yes, you do have a sig dish. “The lady that makes those cookies” — that says it all.
Congrats on winning a prize, too! How fun!
Hi! Found you over at Life as Mom. Your cookies look so yummy–I can’t wait to try!
I just love thick and chewy cc cookies so I’ll try your signature recipe. Thanks for the link to the recipe exchange too !
I am so excited to try a new chocolate chip cookie recipe! I have one that is pretty good, but I am always looking for something better! 🙂
Best cookie dough Ever! My extended family loves These!
@sara, I am so glad that you enjoyed them.