Thank you all for your thoughts and opinions on the different brands and types of grills last week. I really appreciated it and it helped in our search for new grill.
I posted last week on Facebook that I was having a bit of price shock when looking at grills.
Part of the price shock was due to looking at grills nicer than what got destroyed in the storm, but I had also not been grill shopping in several years and I had no idea that there were so many choices and different features available for grills now.
Many of the grills we saw cost more than my oven did. I like my grill, and we use it a lot, but I knew the basic price range we wanted to stay in and many of the grills we saw were way out of the price range we had in mind.
In the end, although may of the features are nice, we decided that we would not use them.
My last grill had a side burner. When we bought that grill, we thought the side burner would be nice for cooking foods like potatoes, corn, or other things that went along with the meal while we were grilling. But in reality, I never once used that burner. I always thought it was a bit awkward and just ended up cooking things inside on the stove.
I also loved some of the larger really nice grills that could cook a lot of meat, but we are a family of five and although we entertain often during the summer, I did not think I wanted that big of a grill taking up space on the back deck.
We ended up getting a pretty basic, but very nice Weber grill. It was in the price range that we wanted to pay, which was not the lowest end for Weber grills, nor was it a really high end Weber grill. It was a medium priced, basic Weber gas grill.
So, although the fancy higher priced grills were tempting, we ended up buying a pretty basic, yet very nice grill, and I look forward to using it.
Do you have and use the extra features like side burners or other things on your grill?
I have received a few questions about what grill I bought and how much I paid for it. So, I wanted to update the post to include that information. We bought a Weber Genesis E-310, we bought it at Home Depot, but it the same price as Amazon sells it for.
I am not affiliated with Weber or Home Depot, and they do not know who I am and did not pay me to mention them.
I have some brand (not sure which one) of grill and we use it all the time. i think it has a side burner (which speaks volumes for how often i use it) and i think i “like, totally had to have one!” when i picked it out for my birthday. i still love my grill though!
we have a side burner, but haven’t used it yet. we didn’t really care to have one but all the grills we saw had them. I wanted a larger grill than i had and this fits the bill! i hope to use it more this summer….last summer we got it, ran out of gas, didn’t have the money to fill it at the time, when we did it got to 90-100 degrees so i didn’t cook on it much!
That looks like a nice grill! Do you ever use different types of wood chips/coals to cook over? I would like to get a grill once it’s warmer, but I want to get one where I can cook over apple wood, hickory, etc.
I’m obsessed with bacon (sigh), and well, I’m always wanting new ways to cook it!
Looks great!
Enjoy your new grill!
We have a grill that is flat on one side and the other side is a “counter” under that is a drawer and under that is a cabinet my husband uses the drawer for all his grill stuff and the cabinet has a mini trash can in it we grill often (very often) we use the rotisserie. I like to have him do two chickens at once and use one for our meal and the other for meals to come we also do pork loins on it and I think he did a sirloin roast once too we also have a smoker and do all kind of things in it with various type of meat our most recent discovery was baked beans in the smoker and all I can say is wow! We do potatoes and corn in it too I hope you enjoy you new grill
We bought a grill for Father’s Day a couple of years ago and my husband thought that we must totally, absolutely have the side burner…..we’ve used it once, that I can remember!! It just too much extra work to get all the stuff outside when I can do it on the stove and usually we only have cold sides or baked potatoes (microwaved) anyway!! We used to have a smoker, but it moved with us 5x before we decided we would never use it! Although, after reading Jessica’s comment, I might have to go buy another one!!! Happy Grilling to all this summer!
I have a side burner and I love it. I do use it and it was particularly handy when we were without power for 10 days during Hurricane Isabel. We are in the market for a new grill this summer and a side burner is on my list of must haves — I might not use it regularly but having it during those power outages saved my sanity. Enough to want it as a future insurance policy.
I use my side burner a lot. I use my wok on it the most, for sauteeing veggies. I can carmelize onions for my steaks without having to run inside and outside to cook. I keep butter melted for basting my poultry on rotesserie attachment. Never tried boiling water for pasta, but might see if that happens. When it comes to grilling, I try to pretend I am camping and have no other option but the grill to cook with. That way I get more out of my grill time.