I don’t usually focus on gluten free here on my main site, but I know that I have a lot of gluten free readers, so I wanted to highlight a few recent favorites from my allergy section.
And if you are gluten free and have not checked out my allergy section, it is a great place to find all my gluten free baked goods. It is also where I talk about gluten free and nut free living.
And that section of my site does not come in your daily subscriber updates, but you can subscribe separately to that section. That way if you are gluten free or someone in your family is gluten free, you can be sure to stay up to date on all my gluten free baked goods.
Now for a few of our recent favorites.
One of my kids new gluten free favorites are the pancakes pictured above. They are light and fluffy and gluten free. We love them and have been enjoying them at least once a week. If you are looking for an easy gluten free pancake, you should give my fluffy gluten free pancakes a try.
We have also been enjoying double chocolate gluten free muffins. Is it okay to admit that we have even eaten these for breakfast a few times?!
And pizza is once again making an appearance on our menu plan. In fact, we have been eating it almost every week for the last few months. I am so glad that I finally found a gluten free pizza crust that we all enjoy.
And if you are gluten free, or know someone that is, then you will want to enter my giveaway for a Cooking Light Gluten Free Cookbook.
Now I am curious how many gluten free readers I have. If you are gluten free, or someone in your immediate family is, can you leave me a comment letting me know? I would love to hear from you so that I have an idea how many readers I have that need gluten free recipes.
I appreciate all the work you do and all the great recipes you share!
Thank you! I appreciate it and thank you for reading!
I have been following you for only a few weeks, but just Monday finally found out (after a very scary episode of hives) that my 4 year old son is allergic to wheat and egg whites. My almost 2 year old son is sensitive to pears and pineapple. And I think my 4 month old son isnt handling the corn products in his formula. So I am a bit overwhelmed and your site has been very helpful. And very thankful my 6 year old daughter has no food problems!
My daughter is gluten free. Thanks for the recipes!
We are gluten free. I will definitely be checking out your GF recipes. Thanks!
I am new to GF living. I also have had to remove eggs and yeast, which makes it even more difficult. I’m really discouraged at this point, so thank you for your recipes and info!
Stephanie, my sister’s family is gluten and egg free. She has a website which might help you some. The egg allergy is a more recent allergy for her daughter, so not all her recipes are egg free, but many of her newer ones are. It might help you with the gf/egg free cooking. I know that can be really challenging. Here is her site. https://www.floradawn.com/cooking/
My whole house is gluten free (well my wonderful hubby is GF for me and my daughter). As a result of the damage from undiagnosed celiac my daughter and I have 23 and 28 other food allergies respectively! So your blog is so helpful to us! Thank you!
I am starting to think I might have a gluten issue. Just one more food issue to add to what we already have. Thank goodness I cook.
We are exploring gluten free life for my son. Not sure if it will result in permanent behavior changes, so I’m not sure if we will stick with it.
I am gf, am loving all the great info and recipes! Thanks
I am GF. I have made many of your recipe’s and LOVE them. The Chocolate Pound Cake was totally amazing! I have also passed on your cowboy spaghetti recipe many times.
Thank you! I was just thinking the other day that I need to make that pound cake again. I love that one because it is so good that no one would knows it is gluten free.
I really don’t know if I need to be GF or not, but after reading your story and doing some research I think it might be worth a shot! I feel like a hypochondriac when trying to explain to someone all of the stomach issues I have! LOL;)
I know what you mean. 🙂 And it is not the answer for everyone, but for me it has been so worth it.
I have just one week ago started an elimination diet, strongly suspecting that I have Celiac or gluten sensetivities. The symptoms have been going on WAY too long, drs just wanting to say IBS and not look further. Recently one doctor prescribed me miralax for my persistant diarrhea! So now I have taken it upon myself to search for a CAUSE instead of drs wanting to treat SYMPTOMS (and there are a multitude). My mom was diagnosed with fibromylagia quite some time ago, but that was just about two weeks ago changed to a gluten sensetivity plus metabolic syndrome by a new doctor she finally found. She will be going gluten free soon also. For right now, I am gluten free, egg free, dairy free, corn free, and soy free on the elimination stage, but am looking forward to finding out what specifically I am sensetive to so that I can try many of your yummy looking recipes I’ve already found in your allergy section here!
My husband is, so I love getting your recipes 🙂
My niece has been having stomach issues which her doctor hasn’t been able to identify. The doctor referred us to a gastroenterologist that we haven’t gotten to see yet. In passing, the doctor did mention that she suspected lactose or gluten to be the culprit. My neice has now been wheat free for 3 weeks (not gluten free, as I’m just getting a handle on all of this.) Her stomach pains are almost totally gone and her energy level has skyrocketed. I really appreciate you sharing your struggles and gf recipes; as a newbie, I definitely needed some direction and inspiration.
It’s kind of neat to see everyone post that follows the gluten-free recipes. My daughter is gluten-free. She is also dairy-free, egg-free, and soy-free, mostly. We had been trialing some dairy and eggs, but she still seems to have some trouble.
For those new to the egg-free diet, you can usually sub up to 2 eggs in a recipe. It’s kind of hit or miss if a recipe calls for more than that. I usually don’t try anything with more than 2 eggs in it if I am subbing.
I love your gluten-free recipes! Even the flubs! 🙂 There are 6 of us in our house, who all have Celiac! We have been GF for 9 years, next month. Keep up the great work! I like your WHOLE blog, but I found you in a gluten-free search. Always looking for something new, frugal, easy, & yummy! 😉
I am celiac, my 18 year old son is celiac, my Mom is celiac, my niece is celiac, and a great niece and nephew are celiac. ( also a cousin…) These are just the diagnosed ones! I enjoy your recipes and tips! Many thanks!
My daughter is GF but we all mostky eat GF at home. Thank you!!
Thanks so much for the gluten free recipes. Our family eats gluten free and these recipes are such an encouragement! Thanks, Teresa