Quite a few of your guessed exactly what last week’s What Is It Wednesday was. They were chia seeds.
Chia seeds have gained in popularity the last few years, so I am not surprised that many of you knew what they were.
I have used chia seeds a few times in cooking, but not a lot. I have used them in place of poppy seeds in muffins and I have a recipe next week for a cookie that I will be sharing that uses them, but besides that I have not experimented with them too much.
I have a large container of chia seeds in my cupboard so I love to have some more ideas for using them. If you love chia seeds I would love to hear your favorite ways to use them.
What Is It Wednesday is a series that I started back in 2011 as a way to encourage my family to try new things. It also became a fun way to share new and unusual foods with my readers. So each week I share a new food that my family tried, how we liked it, and how I cooked it. I also often ask you to guess what it is and then the next week I follow up with the correct answer.
Woohoo! I got it right for once. 😀 Here’s a link to a BuzzFeed article I found with some interesting uses for Chia seeds. Several are oatmeal recipes and a couple of them are even gluten free. Maybe it will give you some ideas on ways to use yours.
Thanks! And I am glad you got it right!