I am going old school today and am asking my readers for help in figuring out what the best breakfast sausage is to buy.
Years go, back in the old days of blogging, I regularly did ask the readers posts. I love to share recipes and cooking tips, but there is still so much that I don’t know. And there are so many ingredients and products that I have never tried.
When I needed help figuring out what product to buy, or when I couldn’t figure out a cooking problem, I would often turn to you.
When I had a question, or one of my readers had a question, I would ask you for help.
We covered topics like does grass fed beef taste gamey and the best waffle irons. We discussed whether or not it makes a difference if you mix cookie dough by hand instead of with a mixer.
We have shared thoughts on replacements for buttermilk in cooking. You even helped me know how often you should replace running shoes.
We talked about so many things over the years and the comments on those posts are full of information from my readers. Those posts on still some of my favorite posts on the site.
The other day I was searching online to find out what people thought the best breakfast sausage was to buy and I realized I should just ask you.
My readers are the best and they are full of helpful thoughts and tips, so I need your help.
What is the best breakfast sausage?
My quest for the best breakfast sausage might need some background information though.
For years our family raised hogs. Not on a big scale, but we raised a few every year. My husband was extremely picky on what type of pigs we bought. We were also extremely picky on what we fed the pigs. Because of that our meat was so good. It was lean and full of flavor.
We never processed the meat ourselves. We found a great butcher that we loved. The way they butchered and processed the meat was so good. The way they seasoned the hams and sausage was delicious.
We loved having freezer full of pork. We had all kinds of options when it came to pork and I loved cooking with it.
Two years ago though we stopped raising hogs. Or at least we took a break from raising them. We may again in the future, but for now we are not raising them.
Over the last two years I have rationed our pork, especially the different sausages that we had because I knew I would have trouble finding high quality, lean, good tasting, sausage that we would like.
A few months ago I finally ran out of ground breakfast sausage. The kind that comes in a one pound package. Think Jimmy Dean style, but way better.
Since then I have tried quite a few different brands and have struggled to find one that we loved.
We liked the Braum’s breakfast sausage, but didn’t love it. For those not familiar with Braum’s it is an Oklahoma dairy company that is in the OK, TX, KS, area. They have a restaurant/store and sell dairy, and a few meat and grocery type products.
So far we have also tried a few of the main brands that most grocery stores carry. Jimmy Dean is the one I usually end up buying, but again it is not our favorite. Mainly because it has so much fat.
I am used to lean sausage. I don’t like all the fat that I have to drain off most of the sausage that I have bought recently.
I am thinking that I need to try a higher end ground breakfast sausage. Maybe one like Costco or a higher end grocery or specialty store might sell.
So now I need your help.
What breakfast sausage do you like? Which brands should I try? What is the best breakfast sausage? Please leave a comment letting me know your thoughts? As I try your suggestions I will come back and share my thoughts on them.
Jimmy Dean makes a reduced fat sausage that we like. I can’t always find it but when I do, I buy a whole bunch.
I have not tried the reduced fat, but will look for it. Thanks!
Bass Farms in North Carolina. we get it every time we’re on the Outer Banks. especially like their hot version.
The best store bought sausage is easily Swaggertys .I have tried most all and grew up on a farm near Carolina Pride in greenwood sc.They put too much fat in theirs.
Bob Evans Sage Sausage for breakfast casseroles, stuffing, meatloaf/balls in the roll or Italian if cooking Italian. Breakfast patties or links
Neese’s made in Greensboro NC and should be carried by any NC store at least but so far only in Food Lion and Ingles and I’ve spent 2 days calling those stores with no luck. Great recipes on their website: sausage cheese and bisquick balls I’ve made for over 50 years!
I live in Florida, but was born and raised in NC. Neese’s sausage IS the Best. Headquartered in Greensboro, my first hometown. Neese’s is better than Jimmy Deans, Tennessee Pride, and any other common brand found in most any grocery store, especially Wal-Mart. Problem is though, they are regional and only sell in NC, VA, and SC. I have to order it directly from them in large quantities because I also LOVE their Liver Pudding. It always arrives fresh and I can freeze the many blocks of sausage. Do Not freeze the liver pudding though. Neese’s IS THE BEST !!!
Whole-heartedly AGREE.
I have never seen Jimmy Dean reduced fat. I have always been impressed that their sausage is fairly low in fat compared to others. I will keep my eye out for a reduced fat version though.
Ramer Tenn.
Pork Shop best sausage ever made.
We always buy Johnsonville Sausage. 👍🏻
The very best is Goolsby’s Premium County Sausage. Can be found at some Costco and Wal-Marts. Made is Tennessee.
Goolsby is my favorite! Costco used to sell it but now I can’t find it anywhere! I wish i knew where to get it. I love Neeses but you can’t get the readymade patties unless you’re a business.. Why?
We always buy Blue & Gold from FFA fundraisers. For us, it tastes very close to home raised. Also Swaggerty’s is what we use when we run out of B&G. We get at Sams Club in OKC, but I have seen in local grocery stores.
I have not tried Swaggerty’s. I will look for it at Sam’s here. We do actually really Like Blue and Gold sausage, but have only bought it once when a friend’s kid was selling it for a fundraiser. I would stock up on it if I could find someone that does it for a fundraiser. I know that is usually a once or twice a year thing. Do you have any tips for finding someone next time?
Under the tab “finding products”. There is a really good list of schools currently selling with contact information, hopefully there is one close to you. We also get ours through kids fundraiser, have to stock up when we can. They also have a Facebook page,if that is more accessible. Happy sausage hunting 😀
Thank you! I did not know that they had a currently selling list for Blue and Gold! That is helpful.
Blue and Gold is our go to for sure!!! We buy enough for the year when the fundraising time comes up.
I am not sure what state you are in but the absolute best is Goolsby’s Sausage. It is in WalMart and Costco. It comes frozen in 24 patties. You just take out what you need and cook. It has very little shrinkage and taste like real country sausage. I promise if you try it you will never go back to anything else. If you go to their website you can do the store locator. http://www.goolsbysausage.com
Thank you! I will give it a try.
I use Neese’s (https://neesesausage.com/). Much closer to the farm-raised meat I grew up with.
Thank you! I will have to see if I can find that in my area!
If you are in Texas or Mexico, HEB makes a fantastic pork sausage. However, I save all of our drippings for use in beans, etc, so I’m actually saddened when a sausage isn’t fatty.
They used to make our preferred chorizo, too, but I can’t find it anymore.
I wish we had HEB in Oklahoma, but we don’t.
We love the Jimmy Dean’s Sage sausage best. I find it is not overloaded with fat. Just enough to be moist but not real greasy.
Bob Evans is what we always bought when I lived in Michigan. Now in North Carolina we can’t find that so we buy Neese’s. It’s ok but a little on the dry side.
I always loved the sausage my grandma made from the hog they raised each year.
I think brands of sausage vary by region. Unfortunately, that means what’s available for some is not the same for others. I tend to use Jimmy Dean because it’s the best brand I can find locally.
We like the brand from Aldis’. Not too fatty.
Or buy ground pork and season it your self. Did that for years. You can add as much fat as you want, etc.
I have made my own sausage and I like to do that because I can season it just how I want it. I was just hoping for a good easy way. 🙂 I have not tried the Aldi brand. In fact I did not know they had a breakfast sausage. I will look for it next time I go to Aldi. Thanks!
Jones sausage
Owens roll sausage. It says boldly seasoned on the package but it’s not overwhelming, it’s just right. The only one I’ll eat anymore. We find it in Texas where we spend the winters but haven’t found it in Missouri, our summer home.
Thanks I will look for that brand of sausage!
In WV where I grew up, Bob Evans was the best sausage. My step-dad likes the Aldi sausage even better. Where I live now I can’t get either of these so I buy Jones sausage. It’s pretty much the only option and it is still hard to find!
My local (non/chain) grocery store sells their in house sausage. It’s in the meat section. Maybe your does too? It’s so mich leaner and fresher tasting than the stuff sold in plastic rolls.
We recently tried Kroger Simple Truth Brand turkey breakfast sausage, and I thought it was quite tasty.
I wish we had Kroger here. My family live on the west coast shop at Kroger all the time, but we don’t have it where I live. I am glad to hear that their breakfast sausage is good though.
Swaggertys sausage is very close to homemade sausage but I’m not sure if its available in your area. It has a nice country taste
For us here in NC for store bought it’s Jimmy Dean… either the hot or sage varieties… or as several others have mentioned… Neese’s.
Neese’s is always in stock at our local Food Lion.
It is slightly drier than what some folks might be used to but it has a really good flavor.
Hi Lynn,
Here in The Northeast the big ones remain
Jimmy Dean
Bob Evans
Mostly, we go for Park’s Hot’n’Sagey and
Jimmy Dean Sage, but I’m gonna try Bob
Evans’ Sage when I find it. Just realized
our local ShopRite carries it.
Why? I admit I tried one of theirs once
and wasn’t impressed. Then I saw a vid
of a guy making Buiscuits’n’Gravy with
Bob Evans’ Sage WITH bacon drippings –
talk about a heart attack. So I’ll give it a
try. But we always reach for the Park’s –
a good bang for your buck.
I envy the folks down South, sounds as
if they’ve got some great brands. We’ve
tried the localvore during the pandemic,
and while good and reasonably lean,
not spicy enough. Good stuff, though.
Eat Hearty!
R B Rice Sausages in KCMO. The original, mild, medium, and hot flavors are great. I’ve eaten them since I was a kid. I have to travel to get them but it is worth it. Grandkids love them.
Like you, it is almost impossible to find a good country sausage. I am a former Army cook and make my own. Herre is the receipe. 2 lbs ground pork not too much fat. 2 tablespoons of garlic salt, 1 tablespoon sage 5 clove garlics chopped up, i teaspoon star anise and 1 teaspoon oregano. If you want some heat add i tablespoon of HOt sauce. enjoy. It is better than anything I have found. Jim Wilson
Thank you for sharing that! I will have to give it a try!
I assume that the butcher you were using doesn’t sell his sausage outside of processing? We use a local meat processing butcher who also sells meat.
We usually buy Jimmy Dean Sage when getting from the grocery store.
They don’t sell it that I know of, but I should call them and ask. That would be a great way for us to keep getting our favorite sausage.
For the taste, Tennessee Pride, Bob Evans, J.C.Potter are all pretty good. They’re all low-fat types, however, so you’ll need to add some butter to your roux.
Hands down best roll sausage is J.C. Potters made right in Durant OK. Its old school the way it should be. It used to have the quintessential black and white Hampshire hog right on the package. The pig has been downsized but he is still there. I have eaten this stuff since I was a kid and at 61 it never changed one bit. Quality still there.
J.C. Potters is one of our favorites too!